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Home > Community Health > Community Health Stories > Lions Befrienders Moves Ahead With Technology And Capacity And Capability Building

By Lion Befrienders

COVID-19 has become an unprecedented challenge to us. The pandemic has left no one untouched and changed the way we serve our 6,000 socially isolated seniors. In spite of the challenges, it presented a window of opportunity for Lions Befrienders (LB) to serve our seniors differently, by getting them to adopt modern technology and taking up new skills in order to continue engaging with others.


To allow our seniors to have continued access to essential primary health services during the COVID-19 pandemic, LB secured partnerships with seven public hospitals to provide telemedicine services to our seniors. The introduction of the telemedicine services reduces the need for in-person visits and consultations, limiting unnecessary exposure of vulnerable seniors to COVID-19, as the treatment can be safely delivered by phone or video-conferencing. It will also allow LB seniors with pressing health needs to access timely care and take pressure off hospitals as the pandemic continues to evolve.


As Singapore moves towards more digitalisation in our daily lives, LB recognised the need to ensure our seniors are not left behind. Through collaborations with the Infocomm Media Development Authority, we will equip our seniors with digital capabilities, so that they can lead engaged, informed and fulfilling lives via the Seniors Go Digital programme.


We have also partnered AIC and CareLine to distribute specially configured mobile phones for seniors who do not possess a phone. To assist more seniors to have access to the knowledge, training and support to use this technology, LB will engage our volunteers to conduct digital clinics for our seniors so that they can carry out their daily tasks and social activities from their homes. With the availability of these phones, our seniors will have a peace of mind knowing that care is just a call away.

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