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Home > Community Health > Community Health Stories > Re-imagining Home Care for the Elderly

 By Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charity (Home Care Service Division)

3-HomeCare.jpgIn the volatile environment that we live in currently, it will be difficult for our seniors to age at home without some form of anxiety. It is sometimes perpetuated by the fact that they lack the knowledge on how to access the care that they require. Fragmentation in care services is never intended but a by-product of structure and policy that is required by circumstances. At THKMC, we embarked on a journey with the endeavour to help our seniors living in the community with their ageing needs. 

We decided to focus on enhancing our productivity by enhancing our staff capabilities, technology adoption and redesigning our process so that our staff would be better equipped to service the seniors in the community. The core desires were to provide consolidated care for our clients, more programmes and better staff capacity and long-term sustainability of our programmes. 

Our people are our primary assets, who are also critical in the success of the overhaul. They are receptive to skills upgrading, cross training and on-job training so that they will have a higher utilisation rate in deployment. They are a critical link in providing consistent feedback on what is not working so that our leadership group will have greater insights to the ground work.  Through a robust talent and management system, we are able to transform our workforce capabilities. 

We recognised the importance of proper data management and visibility to the ground work. We have given priority to ensure the safety of our people by implementing the usage of body-worn cameras for every staff. This has protected our staff and raised the quality of their work as we consistently reviewed the footage for regulatory and quality compliances. We seek to reduce the manual processes through digitalisation and implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The ERP system was useful in capturing real time data and reduce the amount of paperwork that had to be completed by our healthcare professionals. 

As we complete our transformation journey from 2018, we are embarking on a brand new adventure of regionalisation of our eldercare services. The process of value creation will always be ongoing as we seek to serve our seniors in the community better.

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