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Home > Community Health > Community Health Stories > Recruiting and Developing Volunteers to Support Residents

  By SG Cares Volunteer Centre @ Geylang, operated by Care Community    Services Society (CCSS)

As part of the Singapore Cares (SG Cares) Movement, SG Cares Volunteer Centres (VCs) play a key role as a community broker to grow and coordinate volunteer supply, build volunteer management capabilities, and broker partnerships to effectively meet town-based community needs.

Since March 2022, SG Cares VC @ Geylang has channelled 25 volunteers to the Social Service Office@Geylang Serai to support their needs assessment and befriending efforts with families living in rental flats within Geylang town.

Fourteen volunteers were also recruited to lend a helping hand to seniors in the MacPherson division through their requests made on the MacPherson Cares App, which was launched in July 2022. The app was developed to enable seniors in the community to request support in areas such as companion care, medical escort services, letter-reading, and general calls for assistance.

In addition, SG Cares VC @ Geylang recruited 21 Community Outreach volunteers for CCSS’s Active Ageing Centre, CareElderly@Circuit (CE@Circuit). The volunteers identified seniors living near CE@Circuit and encouraged them to join the centre to participate in meaningful activities during their free time.

“The volunteers assigned to us were excellent in connecting and communicating with our seniors during their outreach programme,” shared CCSS’s Programme Executive, Sunny Chua.

Volunteers inviting seniors to join CE@Circuit to engage in meaningful activities.

Furthermore, SG Cares VC @ Geylang has developed a quarterly Training Pack (pictured below) to upskill its community partners’ volunteers. The Training Pack shares resources and programmes from agencies such as Heartware Network, the Agency for Integrated Care and Tan Tock Seng Hospital to equip volunteers with essential skills to better support their volunteering journey.


SG Cares VC @ Geylang looks forward to supporting partners with volunteers and resources to make Geylang town a more cohesive and caring community!

Click here to learn more about SG Cares VC @ Geylang

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