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​​​  By ​RSVP Singapore The Organisation of Senior Volunteers

Active volunteer Mr Lai, who has been motivating fellow seniors to age well for years.

Meet Mr Lai Chong Kian, a senior volunteer with RSVP Singapore and the winner of the 2015 Volunteer of the Year Award. Becoming a volunteer was a natural decision for Mr Lai after dedicating 30 years of his career to our community in the police force.

RSVP Singapore is the nation’s Centre of Excellence for Senior Volunteerism. Many seniors like Mr Lai join RSVP for meaningful volunteering journeys as they stay active, age well, gain new skills and friends, and are an asset to our social compact.

Bishan is home to RSVP with its main office and learning centre located at Junction8. Over at the Lions Home for The Elderly in Bishan, RSVP runs its core befriending programme, the Enriching Lives of Seniors Programme (ELSP), where volunteers engage socially isolated seniors through bonding and community activities to keep them physically and mentally well and build a happier and more caring environment for the elderly.

Volunteers are trained to conduct exercises that help prevent frailty and improve mental well-being.

​Mr Lai and fellow volunteer Mr Tai Yen Keong have been conducting exercises with the beneficiaries of St Luke’s ElderCare Active Ageing Hub day care since 2022. They lead 30 minutes of HAPPY exercises followed by 30 minutes of Meridian exercises. HAPPY (Healthy Ageing Promotion Programme for You) is an exercise programme that helps seniors improve their well-being, memory and strength in order to delay physical and mental frailty, while Meridian exercises comprise self-care calming massage techniques for seniors to improve their mental well-being, blood flow and breathing techniques.

"Volunteering keeps me active in inspiring ways," said Mr Lai. "It is important to take that first step because you will only understand its true value after you have tried it for yourself. Over time, as you get to know the beneficiaries better, you’re no longer just ‘volunteer’ or ‘beneficiary’, but become friends."

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