May 2011 CT has an important role in hollow viscus and mesenteric injuries after blunt abdominal trauma
Published in International Journal of the Care of the Injured on May 2011
Jan 2011 Extra-hepatic biliary injury secondary to blunt abdominal trauma: A successful management strategy
Published in Injury Extra on Jan 2011
Dec 2010 Management of Isolated Splenic Injuries after Blunt Trauma: An Institution’s Experience Over 6 Years
Published in Medical Journal of Malaysia on Dec 2010
Dec 2010 Major Workplace Related Accidents in Singapore: A Major Trauma Centre’s Experience
Published in Annals Academy of Medicine on Dec 2010
Nov 2010 Peritoneo-Cutaneous Fistula Secondary to Skin Excoriation from a Large Chronic Incisional Hernia
Published in Annals of Medicine and Surgery on Nov 2010
Nov 2009 Management of Pancreatic Injuries after Blunt Abdominal Trauma
Published in Journal of the Pancreas on Nov 2009
Sep 2009 Hepatic enzymes have a role in the diagnosis of hepatic injury after blunt abdominal trauma
Published in International Journal of the Care on Sep 2009
Jan 2009 Factors that Affect Mortality Among Inpatient Adult Motorcycle Casualties
Published in World Journal of Surgery on Jan 2009
Oct 2008 Delayed Presentation of An Isolated Tracheal Injury Following Direct Blunt Anterior Neck Trauma
Published in Injury Extra on Oct 2008
