It's the festive holiday season! One of the best look-forward-to periods by our staff and patients!
There are special visits from volunteer groups, parties to wrap up the year, the festive ambience all around the hospital and the generally 'Yay! The festive period is here!' happy feel.
We may not have the best fairy lights or fancy ornaments on the Christmas tree like those you see in shopping malls, but our clinics and wards are always dressed up for the occasion just to make someone's day. The decorations are put together by our staff but occasionally, we do have enthusiastic patients chipping in with their creativity and helping hands.
We spotted some celebration photos from our 'retro' and 'hip' days. Sharing with you as part of the festive feel good spirit. Years have passed, things have evolved but our spirit of giving and sharing have never changed.
Enjoy the lights and Christmas decorations in the hospital. Happy holidays, everyone!