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Home > About TTSH > News > 微创手术治疗青光眼 助降低风险加快康复

Lianhe Zaobao (15 March 2018) - 新的微创青光眼手术法使用的是类似注射器的工具, 把细管植入眼球内,导出眼球内分泌的液体,以降低 眼压,虽然仍然使用外科手术设备降低眼压,但医生 几乎无需在眼球上开刀。

Exclusive article in Zaobao on new surgical options to treat Glaucoma patients. Patients can now choose Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) which has a lower surgical risk and shorter recovery time.

Dr Leonard Yip, Senior Consultant and Head of Glaucoma Service, NHG Eye Institute at TTSH, said the new minimally invasive technique uses syringe-like tools, inserting a thin tube into the eyeball and extracting the eye fluid and reducing the eye pressure. Traditionally, glaucoma surgery involves creating a significant dissection on the eye to create an outlet for the fluid to flow through. This procedure is complicated and may result in a large wound. Hence, there is a higher risk, longer recuperation time and possibility of complications. So far, around 70 patients have opted for this minimally invasive procedure since it was introduced in TTSH last year.

TTSH's patient Mdm Low had both types of surgery done on her eyes – regular glaucoma surgery was done on the left eye while the minimally invasive glaucoma surgery was done on the right eye. “After surgery on my left eye, I had to wear sunglasses when I went out and had to wear them for over a month. But I did not have to for my right eye.” said Mdm Low. She mentioned that after the surgery, her vision was clear and she did not have to apply eye drops.

青光眼患者现在可以选择通 过微创手术治疗青光眼,降低青 光眼手术风险,同时缩短康复时间。

微创手术治疗青光眼 助降低风险加快康复

国立健保集团青光眼服务主 管叶伟良医生昨日接受《联合早 报》访问时说,新的微创手术法 使用的是类似注射器的工具,把 细管植入眼球内,导出眼球内分泌的液体,以降低眼压。

青光眼疗法一般是通过滴眼 药水降低眼压,减轻视觉神经承受的压力。严重患者则需动手术,把无法自然排放的液体导出,以免液体不断累积,导致眼压增加。









不过,微创手术的费用比原来的青光眼手术费用高。叶伟良说,这是因为植入体成本较高,一支柔软细管或一双钛制短管要 2000元。



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