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Countdown to CAPE Allied Health Congress 2021


About centre for Allied Health and Pharmacy Excellence (CAPE)

The Centre for Allied Health and Pharmacy Excellence (CAPE) was launched in May 2019 to spur strategic transformation of the Allied Health and Pharmacy Professionals through innovation, thought leadership development and training integration with partners across health and community sectors. CAPE provides an exciting platform for allied health professionals and pharmacists to drive innovation and training in health-social care integration so as to optimise independence and quality of life for our population. Through CAPE, we hope to collaborate, co- learn and co-create with partners across health-social sectors in the 3 strategic innovative thrusts of community, trans-disciplinary and tech-enabled care. We also hope to build thought leadership and continuously innovate our roles and care models as future-ready Allied Health & Pharmacy professionals.

For more details, please visit our website

About CAPE Allied Health Congress 2021 

Allied Health Professionals as part of the Healthcare Workforce faces an ever-changing world. Challenges such as rising consumer expectations, changing population & workforce demographics and rapid advancement of technology are constantly pressuring us to change the way we work. New paradigms include shiſts from disease-focused management to preventive & personalised care, the shiſt towards a value-based care, and the shiſt to care delivery “without walls”.

Our Allied Health & Pharmacy communities are increasingly being called upon to provide the leadership, innovation, solutions and strategies in our healthcare’s transformation process. To champion this, we need to build our capabilities to appreciate trends, think critically on the use of technology, evaluate cost-effectiveness of solutions, develop new pedagogies of learning and education, and cutting-edge research. A key area for our successful “Transformation for Tomorrow” is the ability to bring innovative “Ideas to Practice”.

Join us for the sharing by Thought Leaders and Allied Health Practitioners in their transformation works. There will be sharings and discussions on future solutions ranging from care and workforce transformation, to enablers such as the use of technology and digitalisation, and the shaping of tomorrow’s workforce.

Save the date: 16 & 17 Nov 2021


Welcome Message

Dear colleagues and friends,
On behalf of our Scientific and Organising Committees, I would like to welcome you to our inaugural CAPE Congress 2021. We are delighted to have with us experts, academics and thought leaders from Allied Health, Pharmacy, Medical, Nursing and from various industries in our congress themed "Transforming for tomorrow: From Ideation to practice". This congress is particularly timely in view of the tremendous importance allied health professionals plays today in the re- thinking of care delivery and its implementation.

Keynote speeches, track presentations and interactive panel discussions forms the core of CAPE Allied Health Congress 2021. We are honoured and thankful to have with us speakers from various professions, specialties, background and experiences to share with us their own perspectives in topics ranging from care and workforce transformation, use of design and technology, education, research and leadership. The speakers and invited moderators have spent time to craſt exciting panel topics for discussion where key challenges, emerging opportunities and solutions adopted will be shared.

We hope this 2-day programme will be memorable and beneficial to all our participants. May the many sharings inspire all of us to bring successful ideas into tomorrow’s practice!


Organising & Scientific Committees


Our Strategic Partners

Last Updated on 17 Jan 2025