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​​​​Individuals recovering from injury and/or medical conditions often need support to return to work safely and prevent re-injury at work. We collaborate with organisations to improve workplace ergonomics and facilitate safe return to work for employees with injury/medical conditions.

Our services

Work Assessment Services

Return-To-Work Assessment

Assesses physical and cognitive abilities of individuals after a work injury or medical condition to determine their readiness to resume work.

Functional Capacity Evaluation

A standardised evaluation that measures an individual's current abilities to the physical and cognitive demands of a specific job. Suitable for pre-employment, re-employment assessment, or medico-legal and insurance claims.
Functional Capacity Evaluation

Workplace Assessment

Evaluates the work environment and provides recommendations on modifications to improve the worker's performance and safety.

Work Rehabilitation Services (Return-to-Work Programme)

Clinic-based Work Readiness Training

Offers individual or group training on self-management and work preparation skills to overcome barriers to returning to work.

Return-to-work (RTW) Coordination

Collaborate with individuals, employers and healthcare professionals to develop a graded RTW plan to enhance safety and productivity.​

Work Injury Prevention Services

  • Customise Injury or Disability Management Programme, including Job Demands Analysis and RTW policies and procedures development with companies
  • Educational Talks and Workshop on topics such as workplace ergonomics, stress management, RTW coordination
  • Individual ergonomic consultations to improve workplace performance and reduce the risk of injuries​

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7 Principles for Successful Return to Work

For Employers

For Healthcare Professionals

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Research Publications

A randomized controlled trial of a Return-to-Work Coordinator model of care in a general hospital to facilitate return to work of injured workers by Heidi Siew Khoon Tana,∗, Doreen Sai Ching Yeob, Joanna Yu Ting Giama, Florence Wai Fong Cheonga and Kay Fei Chanb.

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Return to Work Programme

The Return to Work (RTW) Programme helps workers who suffer from work-related injuries go back to work as soon as possible. The programme provides early intervention services to help injured workers regain their work ability and long-term employability so that they can continue to be productive at the workplace.

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