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image of Dr. Loh Mung Ee, Jess

Dr Loh serves as a Consultant with the Department of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology (RAI) at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH), with her subspecialty interest in the care of patients with crystal arthritis, and Sjogren’s syndrome.

She completed her undergraduate medical training in 2006 at University College Dublin/ Penang Medical College, Malaysia with a medical degree (M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O.) from National University of Ireland. Subsequently, she earned her post graduate degrees (MRCP, Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom and MMed, Singapore) in 2011. She completed her specialist Rheumatology training in 2014.

​She is currently the principal investigator in a clinical trial for Sjogren’s syndrome. Beyond clinical work, Dr Loh is committed in mentoring both undergraduate and postgraduate students. She holds the position of Senior Clinical Lecturer with Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Adjunct Lecturer at Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine. She is also dedicated to improve quality of care for patients and serves as the department’s Quality Review Officer as well as Infection Prevention Champion. She has also been involved in public forums on spreading awareness in the Rheumatology field and appeared in a talk show “Let’s talk about Health”.​

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