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image of Dr. Yong Quek Wei

Dr. Yong Quek Wei obtained his MBBS degree at the National University of Singapore in 1987. and became a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (Ireland) in 1994.

He completed general cardiology fellowship postings at Tan Tock Seng and National University Hospitals from 1996 to 1999. This was followed by further advanced training in Echocardiography at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Australia and   The Victorian Heart Institute at The Epworth Hospital, Australia in 1999.

In 2008, he had further training in the latest advances in Cardiac CT imaging  at the prestigious German Heart Centre (Deutsches Herzzentrum) in Munich  , Germany under a conferred HMDP scholarship  by the Ministry of Health.  

Dr. Yong was inducted as a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine (Cardiology) and Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.  He is also a Board/Committee Member of various national bodies namely The National Resuscitation Council Exco Committee,   The National Medical Research Council Peer Review Subcommittee for Cardiovascular / Respiratory Research,  The Taskforce Committee on  Role of Screening ECGs in Hypertensive Patients, Ministry of Health, Singapore.

He is currently Vice Chairman of The Chapter of Cardiologists, College of Physicians, Academy of Medicine, Singapore and also sits on the Panel of the Specialist Training Committee under Specialist Accreditation Board, Ministry of Health, Singapore.

Apart from post graduate training for advanced cardiology trainees for the past 15 years, he is also actively involved in research and teaching medical students as a Clinical Lecturer at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS.

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