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Home > About TTSH > TTSH Community Fund > Helping Our Needy Patients

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Our charity supports the hospital's needy patients, including low-income or elderly patients ​with little savings and limited family support. Patients are supported with out-of-pocket expenses for essential items such as breathing equipment, mobility aids, and dentures. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we can help these needy patients through various programmes.

In appreciation, some of our patients have gratefully com​e ​forward to share their stories.​​​

Our B​en​eficiaries​​​​

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"Work harder, always have hope…"

At the age of 50, Carrol confronted a life-altering challenge — a stroke that rendered her bedbound.​

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"To the Donors, thanks very much…"

On the morning of August 2017, Mr. Wong Mun Chow was on his way to work when he experienced a sudden weakness in his legs, causing him to lose his stability.

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"I was very worried about many things…"

33-year-old Ms Teo was diagnosed with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS) in 2017. The condition causes her muscles to weaken due to the damaged nerve fibers.

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"Whatever help I can get, I’m ​happy."

Before his bout of chronic illnesses, the late Mr Perumanyan Renganathan led a fairly carefree life. During his off days working as a uniformed police offer, he would often go on holidays to India.

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"For people like us, medicine is not for a week or two..."

After enduring the aftermath of a severe car accident some years ago, Mr Lim Ka Hock found himself with a variety of health problems, from high blood pressure to obtrusive sleep apnea and heart problems that gave rise to irregular heartbeats.

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