Largest purpose-built healthcare innovation centre (25,000 sqm ) features System Innovations, Living Labs, Expert Knowledge Networks and Tools to spur new ways to deliver care
Singapore, 9 May 2019 – A workforce of skilled healthcare professionals that embraces change while constantly adapting to bring about better care outcomes as well as keeping pace with the evolving healthcare system. This is the transformation that the newly-opened Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation aims to bring about for Singapore healthcare. The Centre is one of nine new and exciting developments under the HealthCity Novena Master Plan 2030, launched by Minister for Health in 2013. It is home to the Centre for Healthcare Innovation or CHI hosted by Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Mr Gan Kim Yong, Minister for Health, officiated the opening of the Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation today.

"The Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation aims to be the place for healthcare professionals and partners to bring their thoughts, their ideas and their passion, and together turn possibilities into real world solutions. At CHI, we take a systems-based approach to Healthcare Innovation through our CHI Innovation Cycle, starting with care redesign to optimise outcomes and value for patients; then applying technologies to enable the process; and redesigning better jobs for our workforce. This continuous innovation approach enables sustainable change in healthcare by testing future models of care, with the use of new technologies and the transformation of our workforce. Since 2016, CHI has grown into Singapore's largest co-learning healthcare innovation network of 37 local and overseas partners; an open innovation centre to empower healthcare professionals and our innovation partners to co-create the future of healthcare from ideation to innovation to implementation," said Adjunct Professor Eugene Fidelis Soh, Chairman, CHI Co-Learning Network, and CEO, Tan Tock Seng Hospital & Central Health.
Unveiled today at CHI Innovate 2019 are three innovation game changers to give our healthcare institutions the edge in care transformations:
The state-of-the-art Command, Control and Communications (C3) system, developed by TTSH and the Integrated Health Information Systems (IHiS) and supported by the Ministry of Health (MOH), is set to transform healthcare operations to manage resources efficiently, support operational decisions, optimise patient flow and respond effectively to ground situations. Much like an airport control tower, the C3 system will be the "brain" of the Smart Hospital. It:
- Integrates multiple systems and sensors to provide real time visualisation of ground operations and resources;
- Predicts and forecasts resource utilisation and choke points that may result in longer waiting times; and
- Coordinates patient and supplies flows to optimise care for patients.
The C3 system is at pre-production stage at the newly-opened TTSH Operations Command Centre located at CHI. The first phase will start with streaming data from various operational systems to give a comprehensive overview of a hospital's operations in real-time, providing operational visibility. It will progressively use advanced analytics to generate actionable insights to provide situational sensing so that the hospital can better pre-empt and act in advance of situations before they occur. Developed using an agile approach, the C3 System is set to go live progressively from third quarter 2019 to support daily operations, making TTSH the first Smart Hospital enabled by C3.
The continuing development of the C3 System will enable real-time coordination with upstream pre-hospital care (e.g. ambulances) and downstream community partners (e.g. Community Hospitals) in our Regional Health System. The C3 System will be built on a common infrastructure and will eventually be scalable to other public hospitals for national capacity and emergency response management. (Refer to Annex A for more info.)
To facilitate cross-organisation access to information and knowhow, CHI will host an open knowledge repository of healthcare best practices, project reports and learning experiences so that the search for knowledge can be across walls and borders. Funded by MOH and strongly backed by CHI's network of partners, which includes IHiS, healthcare clusters and overseas experts, this national knowledge management system will enable healthcare professionals and partners to research, initiate conversations and form communities of practice to actively ask, share, learn and build on the collective knowledge and experiences. Learning cycles can hence be shortened with these exchanges and duplication of work avoided. The linking of organisations, sectors, countries and cultures can contribute to better coordination and more collaborations in healthcare innovation and improvement to tackle challenges together. This portal will go live by end of 2019, featuring as a start some 500 curated innovation projects from different healthcare institutions and agencies. The full features of the platform will be fully stacked by mid-2020. (Refer to Annex B for more info).
The CHI Living Lab (CHILL) is an onsite facility that actively supports the translation of ideas into prototypes for testing. It is a space that innovates process, enhances patient care and experience through service design, as well as prototypes physical and digital products to support health and care. This makerspace will connect innovators with resources – there are designers, consultants, engineers, programmers, researchers and medical technologists to help work ideas out, and tools such as a 3D printer to develop prototypes and proof of concept. CHILL's core partners include TTSH's Kaizen Office for Prototyping and Service Design; NHG's Centre for Medical Technologies Innovation (CMTi) and TTSH's Clinical Research & Innovation Office for medtech development; and NHG-LKCMedicine's Games for Healthcare Innovations Centre and TTSH's Serious Games Unit for the development serious games in healthcare and clinical education. CHILL made recent headlines by collaborating with Nanyang Polytechnic and Phillips Healthcare on the FUSA Geriatric Chair that was showcased at Singapore Design Week 2019.
Beyond the living lab, new products and care solutions can be discussed, experimented with and improved on at the CHI Innospace (a co-creation space with video technology, configurable walls and layouts) and later refined at the high-fidelity SIMTAC (Simulation & Integrated Medical Training Advancement Centre) for test-bedding by users in simulated environments. The CHI Innocanvas is an experiential learning space for users to shift mindsets and experience first-hand future innovations in our health system by walking the journey from hospital to the community in the shoes of a patient, caregiver or healthcare provider.
Driving healthcare innovation at CHI is a thought leadership network committed to share and open up knowledge across organisations and borders. The CHI Co-Learning Network, hosted by TTSH, is a strategic alliance of 37 organisations, committed to be the ground-up think-tank for healthcare in Singapore, to drive the pursuit of value through innovation and workforce transformation. They include international and local healthcare partners, academic partners, strategic agencies, industry knowledge partners, and community partners. The CHI Innovate 2019 Conference is an annual commitment by the Network to promote open co-learning and to connect people in healthcare innovation. (Refer to Annex C for Fact Sheet on the CHI Co-Learning Network).
In conjunction with the CHI Innovate 2019 is the presentation of the 2019 National Healthcare Innovation and Productivity (NHIP) Medals. Supported by the Ministry of Health and managed by CHI, the third instalment of this award ceremony celebrates seven winners out of 51 projects which achieved excellence in Care Redesign, Automation, IT and Robotics Innovation, and Workforce Transformation. The NHIP Medals are sponsored by the Ng Teng Fong Healthcare Innovation Programme. (Refer to Annex D for Fact Sheet on NHIP).
On the side of the CHI Innovate 2019 on 10 May 2019, TTSH will also launch the Centre for Allied Health and Pharmacy Excellence (CAPE). CAPE marks the start of a new strategic journey in transforming the Allied Health and Pharmacy Professionals through innovation, training and health-social care integration. As our population ages, Allied Health Professionals and Pharmacists are increasingly required to work in a more integrated and collaborative style and deliver care beyond institutional walls into the community. The current model of care in the hospital where one patient can be attended to by an army of healthcare professionals would not be practical or sustainable for care in the community. In recognition of the need to change, CAPE is set up to collaborate, co-learn, and co-create with partners across health and social sectors, to build thought leadership and capabilities in three key areas for Allied Health and Pharmacy Professionals: Community Care (where care can be effectively delivered in homes and community), Trans-Disciplinary Care (where the different professions learn specific competencies of one another's disciplines to cross-care for patients reducing the need for multiple referrals), and Technology-Enabled Care (where staff and patients are empowered with innovative technologies to work and take ownership of their care more confidently and efficiently in the community).
Kick-starting this journey is a collaboration between CAPE, TTSH's Centre for Asian Nursing Studies (CANS), and the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) to co-develop courses to equip Community Healthcare workers to acquire transdisciplinary clinical skills competencies in holistic management of residents in the community across the care continuum.
The Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation is proud to host CHI's collaborating centres: CAPE, CANS and Centre for Health Activation (CHA). CANS was established in 2016 to generate nursing thought leadership that is uniquely Asian focused. It spearheads nursing research, innovation and education across local and overseas healthcare institutions in the region. Launched in 2017, CHA serves to activate patients, caregivers and volunteers in care. The three collaborating centres add to the ecosystem at CHI to drive healthcare innovation and workforce transformation.
The Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation is linked on one side to the Tan Tock Seng Hospital and on the other side to the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine. Symbolically bridging the current and future healthcare workforce, this 9-storey purpose-built conference, learning and innovation building is the first in Singapore to be well-armed with comprehensive facilities and tools for innovation and more importantly, with the strategic connections for healthcare professionals to dare to think out of the box and experiment with new ways to deliver better care together.
About Centre for Healthcare Innovation
The Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI) is an open innovation centre that comprises three important levers:
- Co-Learning Lever: CHI Co-Learning Network of 37 innovation partners
- Financial Lever: $52-million Ng Teng Fong Healthcare Innovation Programme
- Physical Lever: 25,000sqm Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation
The Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI) Co-Learning Network was launched in October 2016 and brings together diverse yet synergistic innovation partners. Hosted by Tan Tock Seng Hospital, the network has three strategic thrusts to drive healthcare innovation: Build Thought Leadership, Drive Workforce Transformation, Enable Healthcare Training. The Network is founded on the concept of Co-Learning – the idea that we learn better together as a Community of Practice. We are an open learning platform, an ecosystem of value-enabling alliances. Through our network, like-minded local and overseas innovation partners will co-learn and collaborate by co-building thought leadership in healthcare innovation, co-transforming the workforce for our future, and co-developing new training and andragogy. We will meet current and future healthcare challenges through innovative and value-driven care delivery to the populations we serve.
The CHI Co-Learning Network is enabled by our financial lever, the $52-million Ng Teng Fong Healthcare Innovation Programme that funds and supports healthcare innovation in collaboration with its partners through three tracks - Training, Innovation and Community Enabling. The programme is managed by the TTSH Community Fund and has to date funded 93 projects. The programme is the proud sponsor of the National Healthcare Innovation & Productivity (NHIP) Medals.
The Ng Teng Fong Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI) is an exciting 9-storey conference, training and innovation building that aims to transform our healthcare workforce to be future-ready. At 25,000 sqm, it is Singapore's largest purpose-built innovation centre with MICE facilities, simulation and innovation labs and engagement spaces.