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Home > About TTSH > News > Recall of 3 Brands of Losartan Medicines

​28 March 2019 - The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) has recalled three brands of high blood pressure medicine which contain losartan – Losartas, Losagen and Hyperten – on 28 March 2019. Seven other brands of losartan medicine approved in Singapore are not affected by the recall.

There is no immediate health risk associated with taking the affected brands of medicine. Sudden stopping of the medicines can pose greater and more immediate risk to patients' health. Patients are strongly advised to continue taking their medicine until their healthcare providers arrange for them to stop or switch to suitable alternatives. Patients who are unsure whether they have been using the affected product should contact their healthcare providers.

About 137,000 patients in Singapore are using the three recalled brands of losartan medicine. Of these, about 130,000 patients have been prescribed Losartas at the public healthcare institutions.

For more information, please refer to the attached press releases of HSA and Ministry of Health (MOH).

Patients of TTSH can call our hotline at 6357 7000.

Frequently Asked Questions

Recall of 3 brands of Losartan Products

​The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) has recalled three brands of high blood pressure medicine which contain losartan – Losartas, Losagen and Hyperten – on 28 March 2019.

Seven other brands of losartan medicine approved in Singapore are not affected by the recall.

​​These products were found to contain trace amounts of a nitrosamine impurity, N-nitroso-N-methyl-4-aminobutyric acid (NMBA), which are above internationally acceptable levels.

Nitrosamines, such as NMBA, are environmental contaminants and they are also found in food or the environment in very minute amounts.

​There is no immediate health risk to patients taking the affected products. Sudden stopping of the medicines can lead to heart attacks and stroke. Patients should not stop taking the medicines on their own until they have been provided with a replacement brand of losartan or a different medicine by their healthcare provider.

​Patients who are concerned about their medicine or are not sure if they are affected, are advised to consult their healthcare providers or doctors.

For more information, please refer to the MOH website or the HSA website. Please refer to the Annex for the contact details of the public healthcare institutions.

​Patients are strongly advised to continue taking their medicine until their healthcare providers arrange for them to stop or switch to suitable alternatives.

Public healthcare institutions will be reaching out to their patients.

  1. Patients whose medical appointments are scheduled before 1 July 2019 should proceed with their appointments as scheduled and their doctor will advise them on suitable alternative medicines.
  2. Patients whose medical appointments are scheduled on/after 1 July 2019 will be contacted for an earlier consultation and medication review.

Patients at their next medical appointment will be advised by their doctor on suitable alternative medicines.

To ensure continued availability of high blood pressure medication for all patients who need them, patients may receive their medication on a one-month basis. This ensures that patients in all settings are able to promptly receive the medication they need. This may be the practice for the next six months.

​There are alternative high blood pressure medicines besides losartan. These include Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACE-I) class of medicines as well as other angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) class of medicines.

Please consult your healthcare professionals who will advise suitable patients to switch to appropriate alternatives.

​At public healthcare institutions, patients currently on losartan will not have to pay more during the interim period should they switch to replacement medications, which will be priced the same or lower. Refunds will be provided to patients returning the affected losartan medication at their public healthcare institutions.

​Charges incurred for services such as additional consultations or tests to assess suitability for a switch in medicine will also be waived.

S/N Institution Contact Number Email
National Healthcare Group
1National Healthcare Group Polyclinics6547
2Institute of Mental Health6389
3Khoo Teck Puat Hospital6555
4Tan Tock Seng Hospital6357
National University Health System
5National University Polyclinics6716
6Alexandra Hospital6472
7Ng Teng Fong General Hospital & Jurong Community Hospital6716
8National University Hospital & National University Heart Centre Singapore6772

SingHealth Helpline

  • SingHealth Polyclinics
  • Changi General Hospital
  • KK Women's and Children's Hospital
  • National Heart Centre Singapore
  • Sengkang General Hospital
  • Singapore General Hospital
Ministry of Health and Health Sciences Authority
10Ministry of Health6325
11Health Sciences Authority6866

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