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Home > About TTSH > Awards & Recognition > Asian Hospital Management Awards 2021

14 September 2021

The "Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®)" programme was awarded the Excellence Award under the Patient Safety category in the 2021 Asian Hospital Management Awards.


Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®)

2021 Asian Hospital Management Awards - Excellence Award (Patient Safety Category)

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS®) represents a paradigm shift in perioperative care, from traditional to evidence-based perioperative care. Consisting of subspecialty surgery protocols that are designed based on best available evidence and performed through multimodal approaches by multidisciplinary teams, ERAS® aims to achieve faster recovery for patients undergoing major surgery through stress reduction and preservation of the physiological function of the patient. It has been proven to reduce postoperative complications, patient's length of stay in the hospital and has been recognised as the standard of perioperative care worldwide.

ERAS is a paradigm shift in perioperative care, from traditional methods to evidence-based practices. Just as important is the shift in model of care from siloed care to integrated transdisciplinary model.”

- Dr How Kwang Yeong, Senior Consultant, General Surgery

ERAS transforms the perioperative care culture into one that is continuously improving and innovating based on latest evidence so that we can continue to bring high quality care and value to all our patients in TTSH.”

- Dr Vera Lim Qinyi, Consultant, Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine

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