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Home > About TTSH > Awards & Recognition > Tan Chin Tuan Award for Enrolled Nurses 2023

Ms Goh Khoon Fong,
Principal Enrolled Nurse,
Day Surgery Centre

2021 Asian Hospital Management Awards - Excellence Award (Patient Safety Category)

21 November 2023

In her 38 years of nursing experience, Khoon Fong has served TTSH's Day Surgery Centre for 20 years, playing a pivotal role in providing pre-and-post operative patient care management across a diverse range of surgical specialisations. Beyond her training, she also actively renders pre-operative counselling for Total Knee Replacement patients and is a valuable team player to mobilise these post-op patients early for achieving faster recovery.

During the pandemic, Khoon Fong led and guided juniors in swabbing patients whilst managing the ward’s day-to-day COVID-19 cases with the latest information and policy changes in mind.

Khoon Fong assists in the discharge of post-operative eye patients using the approved Patient Anaesthesia Discharge Scoring which led to timely discharges and improved bed-turnaround time. Keeping patients’ next-of-kin contact numbers up to date has also ensured proper phone check-ins on discharged individuals, resulting in better overall patient experience and clinical outcome.

Her dedication and selflessness have also inspired and empowered young nurses to give their best.

Last Updated on 17 Jan 2025