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Home > About TTSH > Awards & Recognition > Tan Chin Tuan for Enrolled Nurses 2021

17 November 2021

Poh Jee Khim, Principal Enrolled Nurse (Endoscopy Centre), received the second Runner-Up Award for her exemplary performance, dedication and contributions in advancing the Nursing profession.


Ms Poh Jee Khim, Principal Enrolled Nurse (Endoscopy Centre)

Tan Chin Tuan Award for Enrolled Nurses 2021 (2nd Runner-Up)

In her 39 years as an enrolled nurse, Jee Khim has striven to practise at the top of her license, showing empathy, compassion and dedication. She believes that a good nurse is one that lends an ear and heart to a patient’s thoughts and feelings. Jee Khim's work in the Endoscopy Centre has led her to undertake high-risk roles such as caring for COVID-suspect patients undergoing endoscopy.

I have not looked back since my first day in the nursing profession. It is such a meaningful way to express my care for others."

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