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Home > Community Health > Community Health Stories > Adapting To The ‘New Norm’ With Creativity, Commitment And Care

By NTUC Health

During the Circuit Breaker period, staff at NTUC Health adapted quickly to the safe distancing measures, embraced the use of technology and got creative with new ways to engage our seniors.

To keep spirits high for our Nursing Homes' residents, where visits were suspended, our staff hosted news broadcasts and live cooking shows from their homes, and continued celebrating festive occasions even if they have to do it differently.


Over at our Day Centres for Seniors, our staff kept in touch with seniors through video calls and hosted a series of online games such as Bingo, an all-time favourite game and ‘Guess the Food item’. We also provided caregivers with home activity kits and resource manuals to help them care for their loved ones at home.

To engage the active agers such as Tango members, our rehabilitation and wellness team organised live workouts via Zoom and developed exercise videos such as Chair Zumba to keep them active at home. We also introduced tele-consultation and rehabilitation services at our Family Medicine Clinic and for our physical therapy sessions.

While COVID-19 has put an unprecedented physical distance between us, technology made it possible for us to stay connected with our seniors. Adapting to this new way of providing care is not without challenges as a number of our staff, especially those in the older age group, had to also familiarise themselves with the different online platforms.

We are grateful to our staff who have stepped up to do more during this challenging period, and continued to carry out their duties with professionalism and dedication. Watch the video below to find out more about how NTUC Health has adapted to the outbreak.

Together, we will emerge stronger!

*NTUC Health’s facilities in the Central Health Region include Nursing Home (Geylang East), Tango (Serangoon Central), Family Medicine Clinic (Serangoon Central), Day Centres for Seniors and Rehabilitation and Wellness Centres (Toa Payoh, Geylang East, Ci Yuan, Serangoon Central)

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