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By TPY Kopi Session Caregivers’ Support Group

Central Health’s partners in Toa Payoh (TPY) came together to form a social support group for caregivers of persons with dementia. This support group, known as the TPY Kopi Session Caregivers’ Support Group, is championed by Care Corner Singapore, Alzheimer’s Disease Association (ADA), Lien Foundation and Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

Started in March 2019, the group has grown from 12 caregivers to 18 today. The key intention of this group is for caregivers to support one another on their journey of care, and subsequently as an advisory group for the inclusive Dementia-Friendly Communities planning team that looks into what matters to a person with dementia using a person-centred approach.

Caring for your loved ones with good support

The group empowered themselves to organise meetings and offer good support through group chats on a daily basis.

Even during the COVID-19 outbreak, the caregivers readily came together via virtual meetings fortnightly to support one another. While staying at home, the group kept themselves and their loved ones with dementia engaged with fun activities. Some of the all-time favourite activities were provided by ADA, such as ‘Find Missing Animals’ and ‘Spot the Difference’. The group also continued sharing good information on research and dementia care, from self-care tips to TCM trials that use Chinese herbs to help slow down dementia.

It is also a platform for the group to clarify concerns on circuit breaker measures, such as whether they are able to bring their elderly loved ones out to enjoy some sunshine and walking in the park nearby.

This progressive group of caregivers has since launched their own Facebook Group ‘Dementia, So What!’ to reach out to a wider audience on ways to engage their loved ones with dementia, and to offer them inclusivity and normality as part of their caregiving journey.

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