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Home > Community Health > Community Health Stories > Kwong Wai Shiu Care: Helping our Happier, Healthier Seniors Age Actively

 By Kwong Wai Shiu Care

Kwong Wai Shiu Care (KWSC) places greater focus on mental and physical health and well-being, as well as preventive care. To join up care across organisations, KWSC, the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) and the Health Promotion Board (HPB) jointly organised functional screenings for seniors at KWSC @ MacPherson and St George in February and April 2022 respectively.

Seniors aged 60 and above got their eyesight, hearing and oral health checked, and their care was then right-sited based on the principle of “neighbourhood-based care”: seniors requiring follow-up were referred to the nearest GP clinics or the Community Health Posts at KWSC centres, run by Tan Tock Seng Hospital’s Community Health Teams. In addition, the NUH Mobile Hearing Clinic bus was deployed at Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital’s premises to follow up with seniors who required a further hearing test and prescription of hearing aids.

Functional Screening at KWSC @ MacPherson

Looking Forward to More Activities and Engagement

During the pandemic, due to stringent Safe Management Measures (SMMs), seniors were unable to participate in the daily on-site activities at our KWSC centres. They had to stay home and many expressed that they felt lonely. During this period, we checked in on these seniors via phone calls, and conducted virtual activities to keep them engaged. KWSC also organised other activities, including Sensory Bottle project, Art Jamming, Art Therapy and Chinese Calligraphy classes for these seniors while adhering to the COVID-19 SMMs.

Now, as SMMs have eased significantly, we foresee a much higher participation rate and aim to organise more outings and visiting programmes. Our centre teams have begun encouraging seniors to return to our centres to participate in physical activities. For seniors susceptible to social isolation who require intensive follow-ups, our Community Management Service team will visit them more frequently in their homes.

Mdm Chong, an Active Ageing Member at KWSC @ MacPherson, said: "It is important that we must take care of our health. With the health and wellness programmes held at Kwong Wai Shiu Care centres, we can keep active and prevent further deterioration of our health."

Art Jamming at KWSC @ MacPherson

Sensory Battle Making at KWSC @ MacPherson

To reach out to our teams to care for our residents together, you can contact the following numbers:

KWSC @ McNair – 6422 1311
KWSC @ St George – 6422 1333
KWSC @ MacPherson – 6422 1335

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