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​​​​​​​​​​​  By Tan Tock Seng Hospital​​

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Nestled in the heart of Singapore, Serangoon stands as a living testament to Singapore’s rich history and evolution into a modern metropolis. Tracing back to the town’s early days, Serangoon was home to a mix of old kampung settlements, rubber plantations, and an abundance of agricultural activities. Today, it has transformed into a vibrant neighbourhood awash with comprehensive amenities and well-connected transportation networks – fostering a close-knitted community where residents from all walks of life come together for work and play.1

Serangoon is home to a diverse population of 118,400 residents, with more than a fifth of the residents being above the age of 65 years.2 In comparison, Serangoon has an older age distribution and higher median monthly household income than overall national and Central zone average2​. To provide better support for these residents, several on-the-ground initiatives have been implemented to create a supportive and inclusive environment. Community partners such as Fei Yue Community Services, Care Community Services Society, and PAP Community Foundation (PCF) Social Care have been offering an extensive list of person-centred social care programmes such as befriending services that enable residents to lead healthier and more connected lives. Essentially, these programmes enhance the overall quality of life for residents as they step forward to take a more active role in their own well-being.

By taking a more holistic view of the individual’s health and social needs, Central Health pledges to provide the necessary network of support and services for residents to age well in place.



  1. HDB Towns, Your Home, 2023, Housing & Development Board
  2. Singapore Residents by Planning Area/Subzone, Age Group, Sex and Type of Dwelling, Department of Statistics, June 2022

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