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​​AMK Specialist Centre aims to right-site new primary eye care services in the community led by trained nurses, optometrists and ophthalmologists.

GPs can now refer their patients with chronic eye conditions to AMK Specialist Centre directly, instead of going through TTSH’s eye clinic. These eye conditions include:

  • Blurring of vision of four weeks or more
  • Persistent redness of the eyes, which may be coupled with mild pain or ocular discomfort.

Patient’s Journey at AMK Specialist Centre’s Eye Centre

  1. Undergo visual acuity and eye diagnostics tests at AMK Specialist Centre
  2. Seen either by our clinically-accredited optometrists, or have their images read and assessed by our optometrists or specialist consultants before deciding on the management of their eye condition
  3. Upon evaluation that patients are clinically well or stable, patients will then be discharged and referred back to their GPs as part of the continuum of their journey to recovery. 

On top of treatment for stable chronic eye conditions, cataract surgeries and post-surgery reviews are also available at AMK Specialist Centre. These patients will have to be seen at Tan Tock Seng Hospital first for a consultation and pre-admission checks and tests, before going to AMK Specialist Centre for their cataract surgery and one-month post-surgery reviews.

GPs registered under Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) can refer CHAS patients to AMK Specialist Centre for treatment at a subsidised rate, while referrals from other GPs or clinics would render treatment at a private rate.

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