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A one stop page for GPs to refer patients to TTSH specialist outpatient clinics and services.

Direct Access GP Referral Programme (Non-subsidised)

For prompt evaluation and management of your patients by our TTSH specialists, the Direct Access GP Programme offers direct access privileges to our specialist outpatient clinics and services.

To make a patient referral, you may call us at:-

​​GP​​ Appointment Hotline (Non-Subsidised Referral)
​​Tel: ​6357 7000
Time:8.00 am to 9.00 pm (Mondays to Fridays)
8.00 am to 3.00 pm (Saturdays and Eve of Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year)
Alternatively you may, Fax: 6357 7011/7001 ​or Email[email protected].​

To make a referral to the Centre for Geriatric Medicine, please download and fill up the referral form below:

Centre for Geriatric Medicine​ Appointment
​Tel:6359 6100

​Fax: 6359 6101

Fax the Centre for Geriatric Medicine Referral form (265 KB, PDF)​

Direct Specialist Outpatient Clinic (SOC) and Allied Health Access

​The Direct SOC Access offers GPs and family physicians a fast and convenient way to make outpatient appointments for the following programmes and services:
  • Specialist Appointments
  • Dietetics and Nutrition
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Podiatry
  • Smoking Cessation Service
  • Speech Therapy
  • Weight Management Programme

Direct Access Endoscopy Service

​Through the Direct Access Endoscopy Service, GPs and family physicians can conveniently schedule a colonoscopy or gastroscopy for their own patients at TTSH without a specialist consultation.

The endoscopy report will be sent to the GP or family physician within 5 working days for review with the patient.

To make an appointment, please contact us at:

Tan To​ck Sen​​g Hospital (Main) Endoscopy Appointment ​ ​
​Tel:6357 3766 / 6357 3767

​Fax: 6357 3765

Fax the Direct Access Gastroscopy Request Form (384 kb, PDF)

AMKSC Endoscopy Appointment ​
​Tel:6554 6868

​6556 1479

Fax Direct Access Gastroscopy Request Form (384 kb, PDF)

Operating hours Mondays to Fridays: 8.30 am to 5.30 pm
Weekends and Public Holidays: Closed

Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) Referral

​GPs registered under Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) can refer CHAS patients to Tan Tock Seng Hospital's Specialist Outpatient Clinics (SOCs) for subsidised treatment.

The following applies for subsidised referrals:

  1. Referral must be unnamed (e.g. GPs cannot make referral to specific specialists).
  2. Referrals can be made for conditions not covered under CHAS.
  3. CHAS accredited GPs cannot make direct referrals to specialised investigations (e.g. laboratory/radiology) or Allied Health.

To make a patient referral, y​ou may call us at:

​Cen​​tr​​alised Appointment Hotline (Subsidised Referral)
​Tel:6357 7000
​Fax:​6357 7011
​Operating Hours:​​8:00 am to 6:00 pm (Mondays to Fridays), 
8:00 am to 12.30 pm (Saturdays and Eve of Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year)

Patients must remember to bring along the following for their SOC appointment to enjoy the subsidised charges:

Documents to Prepare for SOC Appointment:

  1. NRIC
  2. Health Assist Card / PA Card / existing CHAS card
  3. CHAS Subsidised Referral Cover Note provided by the GPs

Learn more on CHAS


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