To improve current clinical practice and meet future population needs, the CRIO Clinical Innovation team works with different stakeholders in six focus areas:
- Active ageing, self-care and rehabilitation
- Treatment and interventions
- Workforce and productivity
- Population health
- Dermatology
- Mental health
Our Facilitation Process
1. Inspiration
Needs understanding (Flow of ideas)
Understand clinician / patient needs / wish list
- Gain understanding of paint points of current process / practice
Background research
- Clinician needs and problems
- Market potential
- Possible solutions
Partner search (Technology capabilities)
Pre-qualify right fit partners
Technology and industry assessment:
- ensure alignment with partners
2. Ideation
Conceptualisation (Align goals, project objecties and deiverables)
Clinician meetings with industry partners; brainstorm solutions
3. Implementation
Partnership formation
Define collaboration model
- Discussions on win win collaboration models
- Assess project funding scope for SMEs (including other agencies)
Project launch
Further ideation: prototype / proof of concept
- Explore more options, refine ideas
- Proceed to prototyping, proof of concept