A- A A+

​​​​​Estimate your bill while receiving care at TTSH-ICH.​​​​

Daily Room Charges
Class of Ward Accommodation (S$)
A1 B1 Subsidised
Singapore Citizen616
Singapore Permanent Resident

This schedule is effective 16 May 2024.


  1. Prices quoted are inclusive of 9% GST.
  2. Subsidised class prices above are based on maximum subsidy.
  3. Prices quoted for all accommodation have been rounded up to the nearest dollar.
  4. Prices are subjected to change without prior notice. Please confirm with counter staff during your admission.
  5. All other services such as daily treatment fees , investigations, medication, procedures, etc are charges separately.
  6. The fee benchmark for the same or similar care, treatment or procedure is published on the website of the Ministry of Health at Bills and fee benchmarks.
  7. The charges shown may be:
    • Deducted from Medisave
    • Reimbursed under Medishield Life scheme
    • Reduced by subsidy or grant under a public scheme

    For more details, refer to Healthcare Financing Information.

Average Daily Bill Size
Class of Ward Accommodation (S$)
A1 B1 Subsidised
Singapore CitizenFrom 895
From 753
From 140
Singapore Permane​nt Resident
From 895
From 753
From 360
From 895
From 753
Average Daily Bill Size
Class of Ward Accommodation (S$)
A1 B1 Subsidised
Singapore CitizenFrom 1007
From 849
From 164
Singapore Permanent Resident
From 1007
From 849
From 393
Non-citizenFrom 1007
From 849

This schedule is effective 20 April 2024​​​.


  1. Charges listed above exclude 9% GST.
  2. All charges are rounded to the nearest dollar.
  3. Charges are subjected to change without prior notice.
  4. The average bill size is estimated based on statistical average and serves only as a reference. The actual bill size may differ according to the patient’s condition.
  5. Average hospital bill size includes ward charges, treatment charges, therapy charges and ancillary charges such as drugs, procedures, laboratory tests, etc.
  6. For subsidised wards, the average hospital bill size takes into account government subsidises.
  7. The cash deposit payable will be based on the total bill amount less claimable Medisave.
  8. For Community Hospitals, withdrawal on Medisave is limited to $250 per day up to a maximum of $5,000 a year.
  9. The fee benchmark for the same or similar care, treatment or procedure is published on the website of the Ministry of Health at Bills and fee benchmarks​.
  10. The charges shown may be:
    • Deducted from Medisave
    • Reimbursed under Medishield Life scheme
    • Reduced by subsidy or grant under a public scheme

For more details, refer to Healthcare Financing Information.​


Financial Counselling

All patients can choose to attend financial counselling at TTSH. Our financial counsellors will provide an estimated cost of your hospitalization bill and information on different types of financial help available.

Learn more

Last Updated on