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We offer a full range of radiological services, covering diagnostic and imaging-guided therapeutic procedures.

Some 400,000 examinations are performed each year including 7,000 interventional procedures, 4,000 fluoroscopic procedures, 35,000 ultrasound scans, 30,000 CT scans and 16,000 MR scans. In addition, we provide tele-radiology services to external facilities such as the NHG Polyclinics and NHGD Mobile, amongst other institutions.

The department is fully equipped with state-of-the-art imaging technology. Amongst the latest equipment are a 3 Tesla MRI scanner, a 128-slice multi-detector row CT scanner and a 3D soft tissue image guidance interventional radiology system. Our digital imaging technology comprises of a picture archiving and communication system (PACS) that is fully integrated with a voice-activated radiology information system (RIS). As a training centre, we are the main sponsoring institution for the NHG-AHPL Diagnostic Radiology Residency Programme. For more information on the residency program, you may access the NHG-AHPL Diagnostic Radiology Residency Programme website.

Our Specialists are trained in the following:

  • Breast Radiology
  • Cardiac Radiology
  • Head and Neck Radiology
  • Urogenital Radiology
  • Gastrointestinal Radiology
  • Musculoskeletal Radiology
  • Interventional Radiology
  • Thoracic Radiology
  • Oncological Radiology

​List of Services

A bone mineral densitometry test uses tiny amounts of X-rays to measure how many grams of calcium and other bone minerals are packed into a segment of bone.

Typically the sites tested are the lumbar spine and the hip. This test determines if you have disease that causes bones to become more fragile and more likely to break (osteoporosis). This allows for appropriate treatment where necessary to reduce fracture risk.

Bone mineral densitometry tests are easy, fast and painless. No preparation is needed.

  • Mammography
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Fine Needle Aspiration
  • Core biopsy
  • Vacuum Assisted Breast Biopsy
  • Breast MRI

CT Colonography

In this procedure, the large intestine is examined for polyps and cancer with the use of a CT scanner. In average risk patients, CT colonography is recommended as a screening tool for colorectal cancer, to be performed once every five years. This procedure carries a lower risk for complications (such as intestinal perforation) compared to conventional optical colonoscopy. Patients who are found to have polyps or cancer on CT colonography may be referred for further evaluation by a specialist.

CT Angiography

In this procedure, the blood supply of various organs (such as the heart, kidneys and limbs) are imaged with the use of a CT scanner. This allows for diagnosis of narrowing or blockage of the major arteries. It is less invasive and carries fewer complications (such as bleeding) than catheter angiography. Patients who are found to have arterial disease on CT angiography may be referred for further evaluation by a specialist.

CT Urogram

In this procedure, the urinary system is examined for stones and cancer with the use of a CT scanner. Iodinated contrast is administered intravenously during the study in order to delineate the kidneys, ureter and urinary bladder better. A diuretic will also be administered intravenously during the examination so as to improve distension of the ureters for visualisation.

Breast MRI

Breast MRI may be recommended in young patients with genetic predisposition to breast cancer. It can also be useful in cases where conventional breast imaging with mammograms and ultrasound may not give a definitive diagnosis. Patients will not have exposure to ionising radiation in this procedure.

Cardiac MRI

Cardiac MRI assesses the muscles and chambers of the heart. It is useful for assessing the structure and function of the heart. This information may be useful for deciding the treatment of various heart diseases including valve defects.

Prostate MRI

High resolution images of the prostate gland are obtained in this procedure. This allows for detection and staging of prostate cancer. On occasion, a balloon will be placed into the rectum via the anal canal, in order to improve visualisation of the prostate gland. Prostate MRI has been shown to improve diagnosis of prostate cancer. The results of this study may be helpful to the specialist to plan appropriate treatment.

MRI Liver

In this procedure, the liver is examined with the use of an MRI scanner. In most cases, gadolinium contrast will be administered intravenously so as to improve diagnosis of liver nodules. MRI provides high soft tissue contrast that enables characterisation of focal and diffuse liver disease. It is often used as a problem solving tool in difficult cases where diagnosis cannot be reached on ultrasound or CT scan.

Magnetic Resonance Cholangio-pancreaticogram (MRCP)

In this procedure, the biliary system is examined with the use of an MRI scanner. This procedure does not require intravenous contrast. It is used to screen for obstruction of the bile ducts, and specifically to detect the presence of biliary stones. Patients found to have biliary obstruction due to stones may be referred for stone removal by a specialist trained in performing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogram (ERCP).

MR Enterography

In this procedure, the small intestine will be assessed through the use of MRI. MR enterography is recommended in patients who require repeated imaging for the follow up of diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease (e.g. Crohn's disease). This is because patients will not have exposure to ionising radiation in this procedure.

Our Musculoskeletal (MSK) team provides ultrasound assessment of joints, tendons, ligaments, nerves and superficial lesions (lumps and bumps). State-of-the-art ultrasound systems equipped with an array of high-resolution probes ensure exceptional imaging quality and accuracy.

Interventions performed under ultrasound guidance ensure reliable delivery of therapeutics to target lesions/problem areas. Our team performs injections of steroid (eg, cortisone), local anaesthesia as well as prolotherapy (high-concentration Dextrose) and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). We also provide nerve hydrodissection treatment for compressive neuropathies such as carpal tunnel syndrome and meralgia paraesthetica.

If your condition requires further analysis of joint fluid (aspiration) or tissue (biopsy), our team is able to provide accurate sampling under ultrasound guidance.

Please ask your doctor if our MSK ultrasound service is best suited for your condition.

List of services

​​​LA/Steroids​​O​steoarthritis (intra-articular) 

Plantar fasciitis (peri-fascial) 
Piriformis syndrome 
Quadratus femoris syndrome 
Morton’s neuroma 
Sinus tarsi syndrome 
Facet joint osteoarthritis
Cervical nerve root block 
SI joints

BarbotageCalcific tendinopathy​
  • Dextrose 20%/25%
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma
OA (intra-articular)
Tendinosis/partial tear
Ligament partial tear​
Nerve hydrodissection
(Dextrose 5% +/- steroids)​
Suprascapular N (notch)
Axillary N (quadrilateral space)
Dorsal scapular, spinal accessory (fascial dissection)
Ulnar N (cubital tunnel)
PIN Median N (Carpal tunnel)
Ulnar N (Guyon canal)
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve (meralgia paraesthetica)
Peroneal N
Medial/lateral plantar N​
​Trigger Point (LA)Specific target muscles/muscle groups​
Superficial masses​​

Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS)

Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) involves an injection of a contrast medium containing tiny microbubbles. Scanning with contrast will provide further information on a lesion that has been detected on ultrasound. This scan is commonly for further characterising lesions in the liver or kidney. These microbubbles are very safe and can be used in patients with kidney problems and in other situations where it is not possible to give CT or MRI contrast. There is no ionising radiation in this procedure.

Endovascular Aortic Repair (EVAR)

EVAR is an endovascular surgical procedure used to treat a thoracic or abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA). It is performed via a small incision in the groin, followed by insertion of a fabric covered stent under x-ray fluoroscopic guidance into the aneurysm. This procedure is less invasive compared to open surgery.

Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPSS)

TIPSS is used to treat portal hypertension, by creating a passage between the portal and hepatic veins to reduce the portal blood pressure. Suitable patients may include those with liver cirrhosis who have recurrent bleeding from oesophageal varices or large amount of fluid in the abdomen (ascites).

Oncologic Intervention

We perform a large variety of percutaneous (small punctures via the skin) and endovascular treatments for cancer. These include treatment of liver metastases or hepatocellular cancer (HCC), lung cancer, kidney tumours, as well as image-guided biopsies of tumours and lymph nodes.

Thyroid and Parathyroid Ablation

Our radiologists perform minimally invasive ablation of benign symptomatic thyroid nodules and of the parathyroid glands in hyperparathyroidism. Thermal ablation can be performed with either radiofrequency (RFA) or microwave (MWA) devices. Under direct ultrasound guidance, our doctors can accurately direct the energy devices to the nodule(s) of interest and deliver controlled amounts of heat to safely destroy these nodule(s). This allows for safe and effective treatment of benign thyroid nodules and hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands.

For cystic or predominantly cystic thyroid nodu​les, we provide ethanol ablation (sclerotherapy). A catheter or needle is placed within the cyst cavity under direct ultrasound guidance with subsequent aspiration of the cyst content and injection of a sclerosant (typically anhydrous ethanol), which results in denaturation of the cyst wall, reducing the risk of recurrence.

Please ask your doctor if our ablation services are best suited for your condition.

  • General Radiography (Computed Radiography)
  • Intravenous Urography (IVU)
  • Fluoroscopy


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