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We provide treatment, prevention and education in endocrine diseases.

Treatment is administered through outpatient services in the Diabetes Clinic and Endocrine Clinic. Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires continuing medical care and self management.

There are many issues beyond good blood sugar control that need to be addressed. Comprehensive care for diabetic patients is provided through our team of diabetologist, nurse educator, dietician, ophthalmologist, podiatrist and physiotherapist. Other than monitoring blood sugars, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and adverse effects of drug therapy, we also have a programme to screen the feet, eyes and kidneys for complications of diabetes.

We manage a whole spectrum of endocrine and metabolic diseases. As most endocrine disorders are chronic disorders, we integrate care by facilitating step-down care or through co-management with the referring primary care physicians when appropriate.


Diabetes Early Review Clinic

Are you suffering from Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and require an early review? Find out more at our Diabetes Early Review Clinic.

Read More

List of Services

Other services provided by Diabetes Clinic:

  • Diabetes education and counselling
  • Lifestyle changes, such as incorporating regular exercises
  • Range and effects of available oral agents for diabetes
  • Insulin therapy and home blood sugar testing
  • Preventing and managing acute and chronic complications
  • Emotional adjustments to coping with diabetes
  • Other special needs like caring for elderly with diabetes, travelling tips for people with diabetes and coping during Ramadan for Muslim patients
  • Dietary Counselling
  • Implement specific diet strategies and plan meals
  • Medical nutritional therapy for disease states that are linked to diabetes
  • Advice on footwear and foot care to prevent these complications
  • Corns and calluses
  • Thickened and deformed nails
  • Ingrown and fungal-infected nails
  • Diabetic foot ulcers​
  • Charcot joint deformity
  • Gangrene

  • Consultations for the following conditions
  • Adrenal disorders
  • Calcium and parathyroid disorder
  • Diabetes
  • Electrolyte and acid-base disturbances
  • Galactorrhoea (milky discharge from nipples)
  • Growth and pubertal disorders
  • Hirsutism and hyperandrogenic states excess facial/ body hair in women
  • Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar)
  • Hypogonadism (low sex hormone level)
  • Lipids disorders
  • Metabolic bone disorders
  • Obesity and weight problems
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pituitary disorders
  • Thyroid diseases, including thyroid nodules and thyroid cancers
  • Thyroid Clinic
  • Real-time clinical thyroid ultrasound examination
  • Fine needle aspiration of thyroid cyst and nodule biopsy
  • Ethanol injection treatment of recurrent cysts.
  • Pituitary Clinic (in collaboration with National Neuroscience Institute)
  • Management of hypothalamic and pituitary disorders 

TTSH Weight Management Service aims to provide comprehensive, holistic care and support to patients seeking treatment in obesity.

The obesity clinic is led by a team of endocrinologists, who work closely with representatives from various specialties including bariatric surgeons, respiratory physicians, cardiologists, gastroenterologists and orthopaedic surgeons. We also have a dedicated team of dietitians, physiotherapists, sports physicians and psychologists to assist you in this journey.

Obesity is closely related to so many health conditions, and we believe that managing obesity is an important journey. As a team, we aim to provide recommendations based on your individualised needs and are committed to working closely with you in your weight loss journey.

Our services include:

  • Individual consultations
    • We provide lifestyle management tips, medications that are safe for weight loss, and counselling for bariatric (weight loss) surgery.
  • Group consultations (for post bariatric patients)
  • Workshops on diet, exercise and behavioural strategies


Our multi-disciplinary team comprises of healthcare professionals from the various disciplines.

  • Adjunct Asst Professor Kon Yin Chian, Winston
    Senior Consultant
  • Dr. S.K. Abdul Shakoor
    Senior Consultant
  • Dr. Lee Ying Shan
  • Dr. Rasminder Kaur Gail Singh
    Family Physician
  • Ms. Chan Tin Ki Vicky
    Senior Dietitian
  • Ms. Quek Wei Lin
    Senior Dietitian
  • Ms. Swapna Tony
    Principal Physiotherapist
  • Mr. Rethinam Ganesan
    Senior Physiotherapist
  • Mr. Ray Loh Ban Chuan
    Senior Exercise Physiologist

Why should I be concerned about my weight?

Obesity is a medical condition due to excess body fat. It is caused by both genetic and environmental factors. In Singapore, 30% of adults are overweight (BMI above 23 kg/m2).

BMI categories for Asians:

Underweight Healthy Weight Overweight Obese Severely Obese
< 18.518.5 – 22.923 – 27.527.5 – 37.4>37.5

Obesity may lead to different medical conditions such as:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Heart disease
  • Fatty liver
  • Joint problems
  • Sleep apnea

Excess body fat is also associated with a higher risk of certain cancers such as breast, colon, liver and pancreas.

Obesity can also affect your daily activities by affecting your health, mobility, mood and overall quality of life.

Losing between 5 to 10% of your bodyweight has been shown to improve many of the above health related issues.

Why should I be concerned about my weight?

Weight loss will help improve your health. By managing obesity with proper lifestyle management tips, good eating and exercising habits, it will bring benefits to your health in the long-term.


ACTION@TTSH is a programme with a focus on empowering you to make healthier and lasting lifestyle choices. We are the first few amongst Singapore tertiary hospitals to embark on a group-based programme supported by a multi-disciplinary team.

Our team of Doctors, Dietitians, Psychologist, Physiotherapists/Exercise Physiologist will integrate medical therapy, dietary advice, behavioural therapy, supervised physical activity and social support into this programme to help you achieve your health goals.

Programme Outline

It is a group-based programme conducted in a small group of 6 to 12 participants. The weekly sessions during the intensive 12-week phase will involve:

  • 1 to 1.5 hours discussion sessions facilitated by Dietitians or Psychologists on topics such as mindfulness, healthy habits and dietary advice.
  • 1 to 1.5 hours exercise session conducted by Physiotherapists/Exercise Physiologists who are experienced in weight-loss interventions.

The structure of the 6-months programme as follows:

Week 0
Medical Assessment
Week 1 - 12
Introduction & Discussion & Exercise Sessions
Week 12
Medical Assessment
Week 18
Group Discussion
Week 24
Medical Assessment
  • Doctor
  • Dietitian
  • Psychologist
  • Physiotherapist/Exercise Physiologist
  • Doctor
  • Dietitian
  • Psychologist
  • Doctor

What is a safe rate of weight loss?

Weight loss usually occurs at a rate of 0.5 to 2 kg per week. It is not true that the body puts back weight faster if weight loss is faster. Regardless of the rate of weight loss, the body always attempts to put back weight by adjusting its own metabolic rate downwards (slower metabolic rate) and increasing hunger hormone levels. This is why weight regain often occurs.

I already know what I should eat. Why do I need to see a dietitian?

Research has shown that weight loss is more successful when guided by a professional, compared with self-directed efforts. Our dietitian can help you plan your diet, and help you understand the body’s response to weight loss. A dietitian can also offer you insights into mindfulness and other coping mechanisms during the process of lifestyle change.

Are medications safe and necessary for weight loss?

Obesity is a chronic disease, just like hypertension and diabetes, and require medications when lifestyle interventions do not achieve sufficient weight loss.

New anti-obesity medications are regulated for safety, and complement lifestyle changes in achieving better weight loss and weight maintenance.

Should I go for bariatric (weight loss) surgery?

According to MOH guidelines, you can be considered for bariatric surgery if your BMI is above 37.5 kg/m2 , or if you BMI is above 32.5 kg/m2 in the presence of one or more obesity related conditions (eg, hypertension, DM, Sleep apnea etc).

Bariatric surgery is performed using the “key-hole” method, and is associated with improvement of metabolic conditions and better weight maintenance in the long term.

To find out more about obesity, click on the link to view the materials

Click here to find out more about Bariatric Surgery.

For further enquiries or to schedule an appointment, please call: 6889 4445. Alternatively, you may email to:

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