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​​​Tan Tock Seng Hospital is strategically located in the centre of Singapore and at the crossroads of 2 major highways.

​It is well placed to receive and handle major trauma. It is the second largest hospital in Singapore with a bed capacity of 1200. We have traditionally, the highest trauma load in the country and are very experience with managing multiple trauma patients. We work closely with our colleagues in the trauma team. This comprise of specialists from General Surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopaedic Surgery and Emergency Medicine.


Our expertise include:

  • Osteosynthesis using the latest AO techniques
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS): Minimally invasive plating and intramedullary nail fixation of fractures
  • Pelvic, sacral and acetabular surgery
  • Osteoporotic fracture fixation
  • Post-traumatic deformity correction using circular and monolateral fixators
  • Non union, bone defects and bone infection management

As a teaching hospital, orthopaedic trainees rotate through the department as part of their advanced surgical training program. We are the only hospital in Singapore to run the Advance Trauma and Life Support (ATLS) Course of the American College of Surgeons and Definitive Surgical Trauma Care Course (DSTC) Course in Trauma Surgery.

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