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​​Patients may suffer from chronic pain conditions, such as neck pain, chronic low back pain, myofascial pain syndrome, fibromyalgia and complex regional pain syndrome.

At our outpatient rehab pain service, we will perform a comprehensive evaluation of your condition. We then work closely with an interdisciplinary team of nurses, physical and occupational therapists, psychologists and social workers to develop a long-term strategy for pain management. Although we may not be able to relieve pain completely, our goal is to help patients recover the ability to perform normal daily activities and address the burden of chronic pain.

Key features of the Rehab Pain Service include:

  • Physical therapy, to provide graded exercise advice and education
  • Occupational therapy for ergonomics and body mechanics, pacing techniques
  • Social workers to provide supportive counselling
  • Psychologist review for cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Judicious review and prescription of pain medications if appropriate
  • Arranging interventions (e.g. XR-guided, or ultrasound-guided injections) for pain relief when appropriate​​​

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