Cystoscopy or Ureterorenoscopy: Post-surgery Instructions Download PDF, 426KB, PDF Discharge Instructions After Cystoscopy or UreterorenoscopyThese instructions provide general information and advice regarding care after your surgery.Following these precautions may help to reduce risks and complications.1. DietYou may resume to your normal diet after surgeryDrink at least 8 glasses or 2 litres of water a day2. ActivitiesYou may resume your normal activities3. MedicationTake your medication as prescribed for pain relief.4. Special InstructionsYou may have burning sensation or pain when you pass urine. It can be relieved by the analgesic as prescribed by the doctor.Do expect slight bleeding, and loin pain when passing urine for the first few days after the procedure.It is common that after this procedure, an ureteric stent may have been placed into your body. If so, you may encounter stent symptoms, for example mild blood in your urine, loin pain, urinary frequency and urgency.Upon discharge, you will be given an appointment for follow up with the doctor. 5. When do You Need to Seek Medical Attention? Unable to urinateProfuse bleeding with fresh blood or lots of blood clots when passing urineFever of more then 38°C and aboveIf you experience severe abdominal pain and not relieved by the analgesic as prescribed by the DoctorWhat Should You do in an Emergency?Call TTSH Urology Clinic 2A/2B @ 6889 4258/4242 for earlier appointment with your surgeonOffice hours: Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm Saturday: 8am - 12noon Sunday & Public Holiday: Closed OR call Clinical Coordinator, Department of Urology @ 9726 1802 (Mon – Fri: 9am – 5pm)After office hours, you are advised to seek treatment at the Emergency Department, Basement 1, Tan Tock Seng Hospital.Go to nearby Polyclinic or family doctor