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image of Adjunct Assistant Professor Yang Peilin, Francine

Adj Asst Prof Francine Yang is a Senior Consultant and Head of the Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Service at the National Healthcare Group Eye Institute @ Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

Dr Yang received her undergraduate medical training from the National University of Singapore and graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery in 2006. She then earned her Masters in Medicine (Ophthalmology) in 2011. In 2014, she completed her specialist training in Ophthalmology and was inducted as a Fellow of the Academy of Medicine (Singapore). She was awarded the National Healthcare Group Health Manpower Development Plan Award in 2017 and went on to complete a one-year clinical fellowship in Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada.

​Her areas of ophthalmic practice include general ophthalmology and cataract, with sub-specialty training in Paediatric Ophthalmology, myopia, and strabismus in both adults and children. She has a keen interest in clinical research and has presented at numerous local and international Ophthalmology conferences.

Dr Yang is actively involved in and heads the undergraduate medical education portfolio in the department. She is an Adjunct Assistant Professor and Clinical Senior Lecturer with the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National Univeristy of Singapore. She is also an Adjunct Senior Lecturer and Princiapl Lead (Ophthalmology) with the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University. She has won multiple teaching awards including the Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence (Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS) and the National Healthcare Group Teaching Award for Senior Doctors.

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