A- A A+

​​​​​​​​​​​Click on th​e following tabs to guide you to your destination from your starting point.​

1. Enter the hospital through the ​B2 Entrance and turn right to access the escalators.

2. Turn left to see the B2 Outpatient Pharmacy.


1. Enter the hospital via the B1 Link Bridge.


2. Continue straight down the hallway.


3. Keep walking straight until you pass by Clinic B1A.

4. Turn left once you reach the atrium block. ​​

5. Turn right to access the escalators. Take the escalators to the level of the clinic you are visiting.

2. Turn left to see the B2 Outpatient Pharmacy.

1. Enter the hospital via L1 Ward Entrance.

2. Walk straight past Huggs Coffee and 7-Eleven.

3. Walk straight past Duyi bookshop, Eye Centre and Toast Box.

4. Turn right at Umi Sushi to access the escalators. ​

4. Take the escalator at Atrium Block/ the lift via Lobby E to your respective levels:
  Clinic 2A: Level 2 / Clinic 3A: Level 3 / Clinic 4A: Level 4 / Clinic 5A: Level 5

5. Turn right and continue straight to see your destination.


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