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Moving towards Advanced Practice Physiotherapy: Assessment, Identification and Medical Management of Serious Pathologies in Musculoskeletal Disorders


Tan Tock Seng Hospital has officially started its Emergency Department Advanced Practice Physiotherapy service in June 2022. Till date, preliminary data has shown that this model of care has brought considerable benefits and value to both the patients and multi-disciplinary medical team. In order to perform at an advanced practice level, physiotherapists must be able to assess and identify potential serious pathologies accurately and escalate management urgently to the medical team when necessary.

Date / Time
November 2024
1 day

In this workshop, a comprehensive perspective on how to appropriately identify and manage patients with red flags will be introduced. This includes a thorough history-taking, systems review, and key physical examination associated with the risk factors of serious pathologies. To complete the session, guided case discussions and a panel forum will help to consolidate the knowledge presented.

At the end of the workshop, participants should be able to:

  1. Understand the evolving role of Advanced Practice Physiotherapy in Emergency Department.
  2. Improve their accuracy in assessing and identifying serious pathologies in musculoskeletal disorders.
  3. Appreciate and understand the medical management for the serious pathologies in musculoskeletal disorders.
  4. Apply knowledge gained in daily clinical setting to practice safely.
Event Category
AHINet Event
Contact Person
AHINet Course Coordinator
Event Fees
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