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The Musculoskeletal Management Series (1) : Assessing and Managing Upper Quadrant Disorders


With the ageing population, there is rising healthcare demands of population in Singapore, and healthcare needs of the musculoskeletal (MSK) care is getting more prominent. While some MSK symptoms are mild and may resolve with rest and analgesics, some individuals presenting with MSK conditions may turn to become chronic conditions, hence it is important to be able to address their symptoms accurately, and provide early and appropriate treatment with relevant education on their conditions via evidence-based practice.

Date / Time
September 2024
2 days x 4 hours

The focus of this workshop is on upper quadrant (e.g. upper limbs and neck) conditions. This workshop aims to boost participants' confidence and equip them with updated knowledge and skills in assessing and managing patients with common upper quadrant disorders, including shoulder, elbow, thoracic outlet syndrome, upper limb neurogenic and cervical conditions.

Practical sessions with handling skills will be conducted together with various case scenarios and discussions.

At the end of the course, participants should be able to:

  1. Assess and clinically reason through differential diagnoses for the upper quadrant conditions, e.g. shoulder, elbow, thoracic outlet syndrome, upper limb neurogenic and cervical conditions.
  2. Understand common surgical and non-surgical management.
  3. Be confident and effective in providing the appropriate manual techniques, exercise prescriptions as well as education and advice tailored to the patient's individual condition.
Event Category
AHINet Event
Contact Person
AHINet Course Coordinator
Event Fees
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