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Not​e: ​This event has ended and we would like to thank all our supporters. You may still support our charity by making a donation​. This page will be updated again for future events​.​
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Established in 1948, the Diversional Therapy Unit (DTU) is Tan Tock Seng ​Hospital’s (TTSH) oldest volunteer group. DTU’s longstanding commitment to volunteerism has helped support TTSH’s mission to provide quality care to patients in need.

Date: 21 August 2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 9am to 4pm
Venue: Level 1, ​​TTSH Atrium

All proceeds will go towards TTSH Community Fund to help low income patients in TTSH who require financial assistance.​

Featured Handicraft (Past Items)

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In The News​​​

做起针线活助人好快活​ - TTSH News
年长义工为病患筹款 做起针线活助人好快活​ - Lianhe Zaobao​
- (20 February 2022)​​

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