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Home > About TTSH > TTSH Community Fund > Stories of Giving > Anyone can Make a Difference

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The students and staff of Fern Green Primary school participated in TTSH Community Fund’s Project Hong Bao. The students aged between 8 and 9 years old donated their red packet money and wrote well-wishes for the patients and staff at TTSH.

The saying “前人种树,后人乘凉” was the motivation behind Fern Green Primary supporting TTSH Community Fund’s fund raising campaigns for the past few years. Translated, it meant that current generations enjoy the benefits passed down from the hard work of one’s predecessors. Similarly, younger generations have benefitted from the older generations’ contributions towards building modern Singapore. Therefore, TTSH Community Fund’s cause of helping elderly patients who fell through the cracks resonated strongly with the students and teachers.

To help younger students understand the plight of the less fortunate, teachers used stories to show them challenges the elderly and patients-in-need faced in their daily lives.

We believe Singaporeans are generous and are forthcoming with their support when they see how they can contribute to a cause that is close to their hearts”

– Fern Green Primary School

Through this fund raising experience, the students and staff gained a deeper understanding of the difficulties faced by some, especially the elderly who have little or no sources of income and savings. The thought of the needy falling sick and having to juggle medical bills taught the young students to be empathic towards the vulnerable in society. They could see that anyone, even 8-year old children like themselves can make a difference to society by simply making a donation towards TTSH Community Fund.

I like the activity and am happy that I am contributing to the community, to those in need at Tan Tock Seng Hospital”

- P3 student, Fern Green Primary School

​How Can You Help

If you are inspired by the students and teachers​, you may also make an impact on the lives of our patients​ by donating to our charity​. Or you may even raise funds for us by organising your own fundraising campaign!

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