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Home > Community Health > Community Health Stories > A Safe Space Online with Lymphoma Support Group Singapore

By: Tan Tock Seng Hospital

The Singapore Lymphoma Support Group (LSG) aims to provide a support network to patients and caregivers. When our physical activities were suspended due to the Covid-19 outbreak, we tried to keep our online chat group active but soon realised more had to be done to maintain that sense of connectedness with one another.

This led to the start of our LSG online events as we understood the importance of reaching out and engaging our members during the circuit breaker period. Our patients, caregivers, survivors might have an increased sense of loneliness and helplessness as they tend to be more vulnerable than others in the community. Hence, we wanted to provide a platform to show our care, provide a safe and supportive space for our members to connect and receive support from one another.

The first event was held in July 2020 and was jointly organised together with TTSH Medical Social Workers. The session included heartfelt sharing sessions by two survivors on how they overcame challenges and lived their daily lives after battling cancer. The online support group was a success and we proceeded to have more of such sessions till today.

Through our online sharing sessions, members can meet each other and communicate safely in the comfort of their homes. We were also able to widen our outreach as patients receiving treatment could join in at their convenience, without worrying about their low immunity system. The virtual platform offered a personal and safe space for all our members to share openly.  

Loneliness and isolation are very real challenges that Lymphoma patients and caregivers face every day. More than ever, the Covid-19 pandemic has shown us how volunteers and members need to work even more closely to look after each other's physical and mental well-being. That, is the true beauty of a connected community.   

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If you are a Lymphoma Patient/ Caregiver and would like to join or find out more about Lymphoma Support Group Singapore, please email

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