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Home > Community Health > Community Health Stories > Keeping Mentally Active and Confident with Amputee Support Group

By Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH)

Since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, our ​Amputee Support Group (ASG) members could not continue with our usual befriending activities. The pandemic also cast uncertainty over when we would be able to resume our sessions as per normal. These sessions play an integral part in providing psychosocial and mental support to our members in their day-to-day lives. Our main concerns were how members were coping at home since social activities had to be put on hold. Hence, the team had to quickly adapt and explore unconventional methods such as conducting virtual events. Our aim was to ensure that members are kept engaged, connected to their community and have an outlet to share and interact with fellow members and volunteers, despite not being able to meet physically.

To combat social isolation and loneliness during this circuit breaker period, we started virtual befriending sessions to reconnect our ASG befrienders and members via Zoom. On top of that, we also conducted yoga sessions online to help keep our members physically and mentally active. In these sessions, we saw how members and volunteers could regain their confidence in being a part of society and they could share with each other ways to combat loneliness during the circuit breaker period.

In September, we did a collaboration with ActiveSG, International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) and Decathalon SG to conduct an online Adaptive Fitness Training Session. Our lively and vibrant volunteers got to demonstrate their skills to the virtual audience. This virtual event provided the platform for members and volunteers to inspire and encourage each other to stay active through virtual means.

Amputee Support Group gathering before COVID-19

The impact of Covid-19 has taught the ASG how to leverage on technology as the ‘new normal’ way of life. While technology has provided convenience, we also want to remain adaptable to changes and continue looking for new opportunities to improve the mental and emotional well-being of our members.

Amputee Support Group taking befriending and activities online to keep the group active

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