Nursing research and innovation are at the forefront of advancing patient care at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. We have cultivated an environment that embraces inquiry, creativity, and the pursuit of evidence-based practices. Through rigorous research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and fostering a spirit of curiosity, we identify emerging best practices, validate clinical innovations, and pave the way for transformative change within our nursing discipline.
Nursing Implementation, Translation, and Research Office (NITRO)
A group of nurses with specialist training in research methodology and analysis, driving strategic nursing-level research and supporting the wider organisation.
Learn more about NITRO
Nursing Innovation Bunch (NIB)
A pivotal player in TTSH’s innovation ecosystem, NIB provides strategic support, resources, and collaborative platforms to actively engage our nurses throughout their innovation journey.
Multiple projects have been financially supported for nurse innovators to develop working prototypes, with the aim of solving problems in their daily work and transforming the way in which they deliver care.
Past innovations
To enculturate nurses early into our innovation ecosystem, we offer an innovation fund for new nurses or eligible nursing students to create the change they wish to see for better care and a better workplace.
Smart Ward
A real-life inpatient test bed where proof of concepts are tested, iterated and evaluated for adoption.