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Home Sleep Test

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What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)?

OSA occurs when the ​throat muscles relax and the airway collapses during sleep. As air cannot get into the lungs, the level of oxygen in the blood decreases and sleep becomes fragmented due to recurrent awakenin​gs.

Common signs of OSA include snoring, choking or gasping during sleep, daytime sleepiness or tiredness after a full night of sleep.

Risks of untreated OSA include excessive daytime sleepiness, hypertension, poor concentration, uncontrolled blood sugar, heart diseases and stroke.

What is Home Sleep Test?

Home Sleep Test (HST) is a type of sleep study carried out in the comfort of your bedroom using a portable device and simple sensors.


Benefits of HST

It is cost effective, compact, lightweight and easy to easy to use device.

It can be used as an alternative to full, attended Polysonography (PSG) for the diagnosis of OSAin uncomplicated patients.

Cases where HST is not suitable

HST is generally recommended for patients who complain of snoring with or without excessive daytime sleepiness. Patients should have uncomplicated medical histories and have other investigations.

HST may not be suitable choice in patients:

  • With significant cardiopulmonory disease
  • With Dementia and unable to coorperate
  • Who have recently suffered a stroke wihtin the past 180 days
  • With neuromuscular condition
      • ​​​Who are suffering from alcohol abuse
  • Who are on oxygen therapy
  • Who have obesity hypoventilation
  • Who have their sleep disorders other than OSA (e.g. Insomnia, Narcolepsy, Parasomnia, Central Sleep Apnea, Periodic Limb Movement Disorder, Idiopathic Hypersomnia, Nocturnal Seizure).


The HST can record up to five channels of data: Respiratory Effort, Pulse Rate, Oxygen Saturation, Nasal Flow and Snoring.

It is designed to make the home sleep testing easily operable with a one-touch Start/Stop control.

How should I prepare for HST?

On the day of your sleep test, you should keep to your regular routine and adhere to the following:

  • No alcoholic drinks, no caffeinated drinks such as coffee or tea in the afternoon or evening.
  • Inform your Referring Physician about your regular medication.

How is HST done?

  • Collect the HST device kit in the Clinic
  • Staff will advise you on how to place different sensors on your body
  • Start the test at night before you go to bed
  • Return the device to the Clinic by 12 noon the following day
  • Staff will download the data if the recording is successful
  • If the test fails, we will advice you to repeat the test
  • Results will be ready on your follow-upappointment for assessment and review of the HST by your Referring Physician.


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