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Home > Healthcare Professionals > Nursing > Centre for Asian Nursing Studies (CANS)

​​CANS was established in 2016 to generate nursing thought-leadership that is uniquely Asian focused. We promote knowledge sharing and collaboration to drive humanistic patient care across Asia.


Delivering Great Nursing for Humanity


To shape the future work of nurses (Care Transformation), grow the future workforce (Job Redesign) and evolve the future workplace (Digitalisation) to achieve sustainable outcomes for our patients, population and people through strategic partnerships and collaboration.


  1. To establish learning networks within the region to advance nursing practice, build capabilities and create opportunities for collaboration.
  2. To connect leaders to explore new models of care, workforce transformation strategies and work environment improvements.
  3. To advance nursing research, innovation and education through exchanges, joint faculty development and multi-centre collaborations.

Our Approach


CANS focuses on four key clinical care streams – Humanistic Care, Caregiving, Wound Healing and Infectious Disease. Supported by our Transformation, Leadership and Education faculties, and guided by an Advisory Council of thought leaders in healthcare, CANS facilitates a continuous cycle of knowledge sharing, innovation, and transformation through bespoke programmes and an online Knowledge Management portal in the near future.​


Siriraj Hospital, Thailand

  • Formation of Nursing Collaboration Oversight Committee
  • Communities of Practice (CoP) to share best practices
  • Regular structured nursing training fellowships

To find out more or to partner us:

Email[email protected]​ | Tel: +65 6357 1534​

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