President's Award for Nursing
The President's Award is the highest accolade in Singapore's nursing profession. It recognizes nurses who have shown sustained outstanding performance and contributions to patient care delivery, education, research and administration.
Dr Hoi Shu Yin
Chief Nurse
I’m grateful for the recognition and heartened to share this special moment with my mum who supported my nursing journey twenty years ago and my husband, who instilled the confidence to pursue career growth. Many individuals, from colleagues and mentors to peers and bosses have contributed to my growth. They’ve shaped who I am today, aiding both my personal and professional development over the years. My nurses at TTSH have inspired me with their passion, and professionalism driving me to strive for excellence in my work for them. Adapting, engaging, and empowering my workforce to realize their fullest potential is my greatest aspiration as a leader. I dream to see Nursing as one of the most trusted and respected professions in Singapore, one which practice at a high level of professional standards and are connectors from persons to system level."
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Ms Nirmala Bte Karmaroon
Deputy Director of Nursing
Nursing allows me to ‘do good deeds’ daily. One of the highest in honour and greatest in chivalry is showing kindness to the weak and the sick, taking care of them and looking after them. Helping the one who is sick and serving him/her is an act of charity. What matters most is that Nursing has allowed me to keep doing meaningful work – work that harmonizes meaning and purpose extends my motivation to make positive contributions to the community around me."
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Mr Christopher Soh
Deputy Director of Nursing
The big difference we can make to benefit others will leave a lasting positive impression. What can be more meaningful than that? This award is a team award rather than an individual win. It is dedicated to everyone who stood by me, shoulder to shoulder, through trials, tribulations, and success. In fact, I am just the vessel, my teammates are the true heroes.”
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Tan Chin Tuan Awards
The Tan Chin Tuan Nursing Award is a national award that honours outstanding Enrolled Nurses who are committed to advancing the nursing profession.
Ms Goh Khoon Fong
Principal Enrolled Nurse
“I am profoundly proud of my work and achievements and am dedicated to give my very best enabling better care for my patients.”
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Ms Anna Goh
Senior Enrolled Nurse
The acquired job skills for managing complex patients such as those on ventilator and on tracheostomy tube, make me grateful for the little things I can do to help them recover. I feel humbled and honored to receive this prestigious award recognition. I am thankful for the great teamwork, support and opportunity from my hospital to enable me to be part of improving patient care.”
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Ms Poh Jee Kim
Principal Enrolled Nurse
I love to engage with my patients. Listening to my heart in following my passion in nursing is certainly meaningful. My fulfilment comes from knowing that I can help make someone’s life better.
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Nurses’ Merit Award
The Nurses' Merit Award (NMA) started in 1976 and is awarded to nurses who have displayed noteworthy and exceptional performance, participated in professional development, and contributed to raising the nursing profession. Nurses are nominated for the award by their healthcare institutions and selected by a panel set up by the Ministry of Health (MOH).