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NITRO is made up of a team of nurses who lead research studies, cultivate evidence-based initiatives, and develop implementation science projects.

We work with stakeholders within and outside of Nursing on projects to generate new knowledge, and translate the knowledge generated in a relevant, practical and feasible manner to the clinical setting.

About us

NITRO Core Team (from L to R): SNR George Glass, SSN Esther Chew, DDN Dr Chan​ Ee Yuee, SSN Siew An Ling, SSN Cheong Run Qi, Louisa Yeo


​​The NITRO core team consists of a group of nurses with specialist training in research methodology and analysis, driving strategic nursing-level research and supporting the wider organisation.

Together with the core team, NITRO is developing a pool of Hybrid Nurse Clinician-Scientists who are skilled in the conduct and analysis of research studies and can apply them immediately into their clinical practice.

Together, this merger of research expertise and clinical specialisation allows TTSH Nursing to deliver enhanced care.

Our Vision, Mission, a​nd Goals

Vision: Transforming the future of nursing through the power of knowledge generation and evidence translation.

Mission: Generate Ideas, Discover Insights, Spread Solutions.


  • Bringing new knowledge to enhance care.
  • Empowering Nurses with point-of-care evidence.
  • Building a pathway for the next generation of Nurse leaders in research and evidence translation.

Connect with us

We love to hear from like-minded researchers who engage in similar work.

If you are interested in collaboration, co-creating or co-learning opportunities, do kindly drop us an email so we can get in touch with you.


Dr Chan Ee Yuee

PhD (Health Sciences), University of Sydney
MSc, Health Research Methodology, McMaster University
Master of Nursing Studies (Critical Care), Queensland University of Technology
BSc, Nursing, Queensland Universoty of Technology

Ee Yuee is the Deputy Director of Nursing and Head of the Nursing Implementation, Translation and Research Office at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH), and adjunct faculty at the Alice Lee Centre of Nursing Studies.


As the first nurse in Singapore to be sponsored for a Master’s degree in Health Research Methodology (Clinical Epidemiology) from McMaster University, she has pioneered impactful research. Her work includes 42 peer-reviewed publications, more than $10 million in competitive research grants, and innovations in clinical care, such as improved oral care practices in ICUs.


Ee Yuee also launched Project Carer Matters, Singapore’s first nurse-led hospital-to-home framework of care to support patient-caregiver dyads at home, supporting over 700 families. She is currently leading a team to strengthen the caregiving ecosystem through Project Carer Matters 2, supported by MOH’s National Innovation Challenge. Committed to advancing nursing research, she established TTSH’s hybrid Nurse Clinician-Scientist career track and introduced training in AI and data science to improve nursing care.


In recognition of her exceptional contributions to nursing, Ee Yuee was awarded the President’s Award for Nurses in 2024, the highest accolade in Singapore’s nursing profession.


George Glass Frederick Jr

Senior Nurse Researcher
MSc, Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology)
BSc (Hons) Nursing, University of Edinburgh

George Glass is a Senior Nurse Researcher at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Focusing on quantitative and mixed research methodology, he has studied caregivers of older persons, activation in older persons and technology acceptance models in staff. Exprienced in the utilization of statistical analyses and regression modelling, he is translating that knowledge into the training and validation of Artificial Intelligence models.


He is currently focusing on the application of Implementation Science to improve the integration of artificial intelligence-powered decision tools into nursing care.


Siew An Ling

Senior Staff Nurse I
BSc (Hons) Nursing, National University of Singapore

An Ling is a Hybrid-Nurse Clinician Scientist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital. Her dual role as a clinician scientist enbales her to bridge clinical practice and scientifc inquiry, fostering a holistic approach to improve patient and caregiver outcomes.


Her current research pursuits on adult learning pedagogy are influenced by her insights and challenges encountered in her clinical setting. Through her work, she strives to create a dynamic feedback loop between research and practice, ensuring that evidence-based solutions are developed and effectively implemented to benefit patient care and the broader nursing field. Beyond her dual roles, she is also passionate about advancing the nursing profession's appreciation for research and evidence-based practice.


Chew Yin Hui, Esther

Senior Staff Nurse II
MSc, Nursing (Graduate Entry), University of Sydney
B. Soc. Sc., National University of Singapore

Esther Chew is a Senior Staff Nurse who is a Hybrid Nurse-Clinician Scientist with NITRO. Her interest is in qualitative studies as she loves analysing data through data coding and reading 'between the lines'.


Esther is currently the Primary Investigator of a study revolving around conducting reminiscence activity with caregivers of dementia patients, and together with her study team, has developed a reminiscence package. They are currently in the midst of participant recruitment and conducting interviews, gathering data from our study participants. She is excited to see what the results will reveal and what is next for them!


Cheong Run Qi

Senior Staff Nurse I
MSc, Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology), University of Sydney
BSc (Hons) Nursing, National University of Singapore

Run Qi is a Hybrid Nurse Clinician-Scientist with Tan Tock Seng Hospital. As a clinician-scientist, she serves as a bridge between the direct patient care and research areas to answer clinical questions with evidence, and strengthen the translation of knowledge into practice. Run Qi has a keen interest in fields of healthcare analytics, healthcare sustainability, as well as implementation science.


Vincent Aditya Tamin

Senior Staff Nurse I
BSc (Hons) Nursing, National University of Singapore
Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Critical Care), Nanyang Polytechnic

Vincent is a Hybrid Nurse Clinician Scientist at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, specializing in critical care nursing. He encourages nurses to apply evidence based practice in their daily work and is building a research culture in the hospital through the research workgroup. His research interest is in critical care nursing, professional development and the use of technology in advancing healthcare delivery.


Neo Yi Ling

Senior Staff Nurse I
BSc (Hons) Nursing, National University of Singapore
Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Critical Care), Nanyang Polytechnic

Yi Ling is a hybrid nurse clinician scientist with over 5 years of clinical nursing experience in Tan Tock Seng Hospital and specializes in critical care nursing. She also advocates for evidence-based practices and is keen to translate more research evidence into clinical practice. Her research interests involve exploring nursing perspectives on care practices and health technology.

NITRO has 6 Focus Areas:

  • Clinical
  • Clinical Informatics / AI
  • Nursing Management / Leadership
  • Education
  • Innovation / Value-based Care
  • Programme Evaluation

Some past projects relevant to these 6 areas, that our team embarked on, are linked below.


Aim: To break new ground on nursing care delivered to patients and their loved ones

Relevant projects:

Informatics / AI

Aim: Using data science to generate insights with expert nursing knowledge to provide informed guidance for policy and care.

Relevant projects:

Nursing Management / Leadership

Aim: To unlock new knowledge in management sciences to meet the needs of an evolving nursing profession and a multi-generational workforce

Relevant projects:


Aim: To critically examine and develop new pedagogies and tools to better equip and meet the needs of learners affected by nurses

Relevant projects:

Innovation / Value-based Care

Aim: To examine the feasibility, acceptability and effectiveness of new tools and care transformations before their scale-up into general clinical practice

Relevant projects:

Programme Evaluation

Aim: To provide a holistic, global evaluation of nurse-led initiatives, to examine their effectiveness and impact on staff, patient, caregiver and community outcomes

Relevant projects:

​The Incubator

Here at NITRO, we allow Nurses to pursue curiosity to improve clinical practice. Through this, we hope to build up the next generation of Nurse Scientists.

​​​The Accelerator: Ground Engagement

We aim to amplify NITRO’s visibility as a leading platform for Nurses seeking to engage in research, evidence-based practice and inquiry, providing them with valuable resources and support to enhance their work.

We currently do so through sev​eral fronts:​​

1. Curious Cat initiative

Our Hybrid Nurse Clinician-Scientists have partnered with us to launch the Curious Cat, a multi-pronged initiative that aims to spark curiosity and promote a culture of inquiry among TTSH nurses.

Curious Cat activities include:

  • Curious Cat Café: a platform that provides Nurses assistance and support with their research/ EBP projects
  • ‘Have You Ever Thought’: a series of posters that reinforce the importance of evidence-based nursing practices
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  • Curious Cat Digest: a series of posters with best evidence regarding a practice
NITRO_curious cat.jpg curious cat2.png

2. NITRO Newsletter Series

Together with some of our Hybrid Nurse Clinician-Scientists, we developed an ongoing newsletter series titled “The NITRO Tale”, that aims to equip all Nurses with bite-sized research tips & knowledge regarding evidence-based practices.

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​The Connector

​We use a hub-and-spoke approach to connect nurses, clinicians, research and technology partners with one another. That way, we can better develop solutions to meet tomorrow’s issues together.

In 2022, NITRO welcomed Nurse Researchers from the University of Oulu, Finland. There was a productive sharing of the approaches and strategies used to improve nursing science, enhancing patient capacity for self-care and nursing skillsets to manage an ageing population.

NITRO_University of Oulu.jpg NITRO_University of Oulu1.jpg ​​Hosting a group of Nurse Researchers from the University of Oulu, Finland

In 2023, NITRO hosted Prof. Tracey Bucknall from Alfred Health and Deakin University, Australia. She held a series of lectures and workshops for Nurses from various institutions, sharing her expertise on implementational science and knowledge translation.

NITRO_HMDP.jpg NITRO_HMDP1.jpg NITRO team with Prof. Tracey Bucknall & guest speakers during HMDP VE 2023

NITRO_HMDP2.jpgNITRO_HMDP3.jpg Closed Room Dialogue & Workshop Group Discussion during HMDP VE 2023

We look forward to more connections and collaborations with partners around the world to bring forward Better Health.

The Explorer-Scientists

Putting all these elements together, we aim to build up generations of nurse scientists who are passionate and driven about discovering new insights to help improve nursing care.

At NITRO, we aim to ensure that all our knowledge generated through research is brought back to the bedside to improve care for our staff, patients and the wider community.

Some success stories of translation are as shared below:

“Red No More” – Development of an incontinence-associated dermatitis care bundle

Incontinence-associated dermatitis is a complex health problem prevalent in healthcare and long-term care solutions. It can cause excruciating pain and itching to afflicted patients, and undue distress to their family members and caregivers.

Partnering with wound nurse clinician experts, NITRO found that the addition of skin cleanser agents to the standard skin care of incontinent patients led to a 50% increased likelihood of skin healing within 7 days (Glass et al. 2021).

Below is a poster summarizing some of the team’s findings:

NITRO_curious cat.jpgBased on these findings, NITRO developed an evidence-based incontinence associated dermatitis bundle, one of the first in an acute hospital in Singapore. Within a year from the clinical trial, this bundle is now considered part of standard care across Tan Tock Seng Hospital, reducing the risk of our patients suffering from such pain and discomfort.

“I See, I Learn, I Do” – Establishing video-accelerated caregiver skills training for nasogastric tube feeding

Long-term nasogastric tube feeding is a common enteral feeding solution for patients who are unable to swallow adequately in Singapore, requiring caregivers to become competent in the skills of nasogastric tube feeding and overall tube management before the patient can be discharged back home.

Working together with the Nursing Education Department in TTSH, NITRO established a training primer protocol, with caregivers having to watch a video that summarizes the process and rationale of nasogastric tube feeding before approaching the bedside for practical training and competency assessment.

Through this, caregivers reported a 40% increase in the median number of correct steps, and a 30% reduction in the 75th percentile of number of training sessions to become competent in nasogastric tube feeding. This reflects how the programme has contributed towards caregivers becoming competent faster and performing better during their hands-on practice, potentially saving an additional day in hospital for training, which costs nearly SGD 2,000 per patient (Kwok et al. 2023).

Based on these findings, the video primer protocol now constitutes a standard part of the caregiver training syllabus for caregivers learning nasogastric tube feeding for the very first time.



  • Singapore Nursing Award (Gold), Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC)
  • SHBC Best Poster Award (Nursing), Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC)


  • Singapore Nursing Award (Gold), Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC)
  • Singapore Nursing Award (Silver), Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC) 

    NITRO_SHBC poster.png 

​SHBC 2022 Singapor​e Nursing Award (Gold)


  • Best Poster Award (Nursing Research) (Gold), Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC)

  • Best Poster Award (Nursing Research) (Silver), Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC)


  • Impactful Collaboration Award, Tan Tock Seng Hospital Research Award


  • Nominee for National Outstanding Clinician Scientist Award, National Medical Excellence Award
  • Nursing Research Medal, National University of Singapore
  • Singapore Nursing Award (Gold), Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC)
  • Best Poster Award (Nursing Research) (Gold), Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC)


  • Singapore Nursing Award (Gold), Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC)
  • Health Professions Education Research Investigator Award (Gold), Singapore
  • Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC)
  • Health Professions Education Research Investigator Award (Bronze), Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress (SHBC)
  • Nursing Research Medal, National University of Singapore

NITRO has led projects which have been awarded funding from various intramural and extramural funding sources.

Some of these grants include:

  • ​National Innovation Challenge - Caregiving Ecosystem (CareEco) - 2022
    Awarding Agency: Ministry of Health (MOH)
    Name of Project: Project Carer Matters 2
  • Geriatric Education & Research Institute (GERI) Intramural Grant - 2020
    Awarding Agency: Geriatric Education and Research Institute
    Name of Project: Feasibility of Screen, Holistic Assessment, Reach, and Engagement (SHARE) Programme for Family Caregivers of People with Dementia receiving home-based caregiving
  • Ng Teng Fong Healthcare Innovation Program (Track 3 - Community Enabling) - 2019
    Awarding Agency: TTSH Community Fund, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
    Name of Project: Project Carers Matter: Identification and Intervention of At-risk Family Caregivers of Dependent Older Adults
  • Ng Teng Fong Healthcare Innovation Program (Innovation Track - Cat 1 Innovation) - 2018
    Awarding Agency: TTSH Community Fund, Tan Tock Seng Hospital
    Name of Project: Care Redesign for Caregivers-Patients with Dementia: Project CHAT-MI: Caregiver mastery-burden Hybrid Assessment Tool - Matrix of Interventions
  • Skin Innovation Grant - 2018
    Awarding Agency: Skin Research Institute of Singapore
    Name of Project: A nursing care redesign using an integrated, evidence-based Incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD) program for healthcare institutions in Singapore

Our work has received coverage in local media.



​Read the article: 五白衣天使获颁总统护士奖 本地护理界最高荣誉 | 联合早报 (

July 2024, MOH News Highlights


Read the article: President's Award for Nurses 2024

February 2023, BrightSparks E-Magazine


Read the article: MOHH Scholarship - Creating Impact Through Nursing Research | BrightSparks February 2023 e-Magazine

19 Dec 2022, Facebook mention by Minister Masagos Zulkifli


17 Aug 2022, Berita Harian


Read the Article: Sandang dua peranan jururawat klinisian-saintis (Juggling Two Roles As a Nurse and Clinician-Scientist)

27 Feb 2022, Channel News Asia


Read the Article: Commentary: Caregiver collapse is real and hospitals can smoothen thetransition home

4 Jul 2019, Channel News Asia


Watch the Full Video: TTSH's pilot programme to introduce framework for bettercaregiving management

4 Jul 2019, The Straits Times


Read the Article: More help for caregivers to cope emotionally with roll-out of new TTSH programme

The Nursing Research Fund (NRF) was set up to support TTSH nurses in their research or evidence-based practice (EBP) projects, which are important and aligned with the hospital's priorities.

If you would like to make a donation to the NRF to support the advancement of nursing research/ innovation/ EBP projects in TTSH, please email us​.​​

Note: All monetary donations will enjoy 2.5 times tax-exemption (applicable to Singapore tax-payers only).​

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